Types of Signals

In electronics engineering, an electrical quantity like voltage or current or electromagnetic wave that is used for transmission of data or information is called a signal.

Signals are considered the heart of any data communication or processing system like the Internet. Signals instruct the electronics hardware components to perform a certain task such as convey the information from one point to another.

Apart from voltage, current or electromagnetic signals, we also have optical signals, where the information is represented and transmitted in the form of light.

This chapter will explain the concept of signal and different types of signals used in electronics engineering.

What is a Signal?

A physical quantity that has capability to transmit information from one point to another is called a signal. Some common examples of signals include voltage, current, electromagnetic wave, optical signals, etc.

Signals are the backbone of any electronic processing or communication system. These can be transmitted through various types of communication channels like wires, space (electromagnetic waves), optical fibers, etc.

Properties of Signal

In electronics, a signal is characterized by the following important properties −

  • Magnitude − The intensity or maximum value of a signal is termed as its magnitude.
  • Frequency − The number of oscillations per second is called frequency of the signal.
  • Time period − The time taken to complete one oscillation is called the time period of the signal.

Types of Signals

In electronics, there are mainly two types of signals used, they are −

  • Analog Signals
  • Digital Signals

Let us discuss these two types of signals in detail.

What is an Analog Signal?

A type of electronic signal that has continuous values within a given range is called an analog signal. Analog signals are expressed as the continuous functions of time. They are represented as the waveforms of continuously varying current or voltage.

Example of analog signals are voice, speed, pressure, temperature, etc.

Digital Electronics Analog Signal

An important characteristic of analog signals is that they have a definite value at every instant of time, known as instantaneous value of the signal.

Analog signals have smooth waveforms as they are continuous in both amplitude and time. That meant, there is no interruptions in their representation over time.

Properties of Analog Signal

The following are main properties of analog signals −

  • Analog signals are continuous signals in both amplitude and time.
  • Analog signals have a certain value or magnitude at any given instant of time.
  • Analog signals have infinite resolution.
  • Analog signals are best suited for representing the real-world phenomena.
  • Analog signals are represented by the continuously varying smooth waveforms.

What is a Digital Signal?

A digital signal is a type of electronic signal that has a finite set of discrete values representing information.

Digital Signal

Digital signals are also called binary signals, as they use binary 0 or 1 to represent the state of a signal. Where, the binary 0 represents the off or low state of the signal, while the binary 1 represents the on or high state of the signal.

Thus, digital signals are expressed as discontinuous functions of time.

Properties of Digital Signal

The following are some key characteristics of digital signals −

  • Digital signals have discrete or discontinuous values in terms of both amplitude and time.
  • Digital signals do not have values defined between any two distinct instants of time.
  • Digital signals are represented using binary system by sampling the values of the signals at specific time instants.
  • Digital signals represent information in the form of a sequence of binary 0s and 1s.
  • Digital signals have a finite resolution.
  • Digital signals are capable to perform logical operations.
  • Digital signals are more efficient and reliable when it comes to storage and transmission.

Difference between Analog and Digital Signals

Let us now discuss the important differences between analog and digital signals −

Key Analog Signals Digital Signals
Representation Analog signals are represented as continuous functions or waveforms of time. Digital signals are represented as discrete functions of time.
Nature Analog signals are continuous as they have infinite values within a specified range. Digital signals are discontinuous as they have distinct values sampled at specific time instants.
Resolution Analog signals have infinite resolution. Digital signals have a finite resolution.
Accuracy Analog signals are more accurate. Digital signals are relatively less accurate.
Storage Analog signals are difficult to store. Digital signals are efficient to store.
Noise immunity Analog signals are less immune to noise. Digital signals have high immunity against noise.
Examples Voice signals, temperature, speed, etc. Data transmitted over internet, computer generated signals, etc.

Applications of Signals

Both analog and digital signals are widely used in the field of electronics. The following are some key applications of signals −

  • Signals are used for storage and transmission of information.
  • Signals are used in control systems to regulate their behavior.
  • Signals are also used in measurement of physical quantities like temperature, pressure, speed, sound, light, and more.
  • Signals are used in computing systems for data processing, etc.


In electronics engineering, signals are most significant elements of a system. Signals are nothing but physical quantities like voltage, current, electromagnetic waves, light pulses, etc. used to convey information from one point to another.

In this chapter, we covered different types of signals and their properties. In the next chapter, we will cover the concept of logic levels and pulse waveform.
