Trains - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Trains. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - A train 132m long passes a telegraph post in 6 seconds. The speed of the train is

A - 70 kmph

B - 72 kmph

C - 79.2 kmph

D - 80 kmph

Answer : C


speed =(132/6)m/sec =22 m/sec.
=(22*18/5) kmph = (396/5) = 79.2 kmph

Q 2 - A train travelling at a speed of 30 m/sec crosses a platform 600 m long in 30 sec. The length of the train is?

A - 120 m

B - 150 m

C - 200 m

D - 300 m

Answer : D


Let the length of the train be X m . then its speed =(600+x)/30 m/sec.
∴ (600+X)/30 =30 ⇒ 600+x =900 ⇒ x =300m

Q 3 - Two trains 105m and 90m long run at the speeds of 45kmph and 72 kmph respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross the each other, is

A - 5 sec

B - 6 sec

C - 7 sec

D - 8 sec

Answer : B


Sum of the lengths of the train =(105+90)m=  195 m
 Relative speed = (72+45) kmph = 117 kmph = (117*5/18)m/sec. =585/18 m/sec.
Required time =  (195*18/585 ) sec.= 6 sec.

Q 4 - Two trains are running in opposite directions at 36kmph and 45kmph cross each other in 20 sec. if one train is 200m long, the length of the other train is

A - 144 m

B - 200 m

C - 240 m

D - 250 m

Answer : D


let the length of the other train be x meters.
Sum of their length =(200+x)m
Relative speed =(36+45) kmph =81kmph = (81*5/18)m/sec. = 45/2 m/sec.
(200+x)/ (45/2) = 20  ⇒ 400 +2x = 900 ⇒ 2x = 500  ⇒ x = 250
∴  length of the other train is 250m 

Q 5 - A train takes 5 sec. to pass an electric pole. If the length of the train is 120 m, the time taken by it to cross a railway platform 180 m long ,is

A - 25/2 sec

B - 15/2 sec

C - 13/2 sec

D - 10/3 sec

Answer : A


Speed of the train = (120/5)m/sec. =24m/sec.
Time taken to cross the platform =(120+180)/24 sec. =300/24 sec= 25/2 sec.

Q 6 - Two trains are running at 40 km/hr and 20 km/hr respectively in the same direction. Fast train completely passes a man sitting in the slower train in 5 sec.What is the length of the faster train?

A - 23 m

B - 34 m

C - 27 m

D - 250/9 m

Answer : D


Relative speed = (40-20)km/hr = 20km/hr =(20*5/18)m/sec. =50/9 m/sec.
Length of faster train = distance travelled by it in 5 sec. at 50/9 m/sec.
=(50/9*5)m = 250/9 m 

Q 7 - A train X speeding with 120kmph cross another train Y, running in the same direction, in 2 min. If the length of the trains X and Y be 100 m and 200m respectively, What is the speed of train Y

A - 111 kmph

B - 123 kmph

C - 127 kmph

D - 129 kmph

Answer : A


let the speed of train y be x km/hr.
Speed of x relative to y =(120-x) km/hr
=[ (120-x)*5/18]m/sec. = (600-5x)/18  m/sec.
300/ (600-5x)/18 =120 ⇒120 (600-5x) =5400
⇒ 600-5x =45 ⇒ 5x =555 ⇒ x =111
Speed of train y = 111km/hr 
