Aptitude - Time & Work Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Simple Interest. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - A can do a bit of work in 8 hours while B along can do it in 12 hours. Both A and B cooperating can complete the work in:

A - 10 hours

B - 4 hours

C - 21/4 hours

D - 24/5 hours

Answer : D


A's 1 hour work = 1/8, B 's 1 hour work =  1/12
(A+B)'s 1 hour work =  (1/8 +1/12) = 5/24
Hence, A and B together can finish it in 24/5 hours

Q 2 - 3 men or 5 ladies can do a work in 12 days. To what extent will 6 men and 5 ladies take to complete the work?

A - 4 days

B - 10 days

C - 15 days

D - 20 days

Answer : A


3 men =5 women ⇒(6 men +5 women )=15 women
Now, 5 women can do it in 12 days.
1 woman can do it in (12*5) days.
15 women can do it in 12*5/15days=4days.

Q 3 - A can do a bit of work in 20 days which B can do in 12 days. B worked at it for 9 days. A can complete the remaining work in:

A - 3 days

B - 5 days

C - 7 days

D - 11 days

Answer : B


B's 9 days work = (1/12*9)= 3/4 ; remaining work = (1-3/4 )= 1/4 1/20 work is finished by A in 1 day. 1/4 works is finished by A in (20*1/4) days. =5 days

Q 4 - A and B can do a bit of work in 45 days and 40 days . they started the work together however A leaves after a few days and B completed the remaining work in 23 days . After how long did A leaves?

A - 6 days

B - 8 days

C - 9 days

D - 12 days

Answer : C


Work done by B in 23 days = (23*1/40) = 23/40 ; remaining work = (1- 23/40)= 17/40
(A+B)'s 1 day work = ( 1/45+ 1/40) = (8+9)/360 = 17/360
17/360 work is done by (A+B) in 1 day.
17/40 work is done by them in (360/17*17/40) = 9 days

Q 5 - A man and a kid finish a work together in 24 days. On the off chance that throughout the previous 6 days man alone takes every necessary step then it is finished in 26 days. To what extent the kid will take to complete the work done?

A - 72 days

B - 20 days

C - 24 days

D - 36 days

Answer : D


Work done by  (man + boy ) in 20 days = (1/24*20)= 5/6
              Remaining work = (1-5/6) = 1/6
1/6 work is done by boy in 6 days.
Whole work will be done by the boy in (6*6) = 36 days

Q 6 - A men, a ladies and a kid can together finish a bit of work in 3 days. In the event that a men alone can do it in 6 days and a kid alone in 18 days, to what extent will a ladies take to finish the work?

A - 9 days

B - 21 days

C - 24 days

D - 27 days

Answer : A


(1 man+ 1 women +1 boy ) 1 day work = 1/3
Suppose the women alone can do it in x days. Then
1/6 +1/x+1/18= 1/3 ⇒4/18 +1/x = 1/3 ⇒1/x = (1/3- 2/9) = 1/9
So, 1 woman can do the work in 9 days

Q 7 - 4 men and 6 ladies complete an occupation in 8 days while 3 men and 7 ladies complete it in 10 days. 10 ladies cooperating will complete it in

A - 24 days

B - 32 days

C - 36 days

D - 40 days

Answer : D


Let 1 men 1 day work be x and 1 women 1 day work be y. then
4x+6 y= 1/8 ... (1)    3x+7y = 1/10 ...(11)
Multiplying (1) by 3, (11) by 4 and subtracting, we get
10 y = (4/10- 3/8) = (16-15)/40 = 1/40 ⇒y = 1/400
1 women's 1 day work = 1/400
10 women 1 day work = (1/400*10) = 1/40
Hence 10 women can finish the work in 40 days

Q 8 - 8 kids and 12 men finish a sure bit of work in 9 days. In the event that every youngster takes double the time taken by a men to complete the work, in how long will 12 men complete the same work?

A - 8 days

B - 15 days

C - 9 days

D - 12 days

Answer : D


2 children = 1 man
∴ (8 children + 12 man) = 16 men
Let the required number of days be x.
Less man, more days
12: 16:: 9: x ⇒x = 16*9/12 = 12 days

Q 9 - A can develop 2/fifth of the area in 6 days and B can develop 1/third of the area in 10 days. Cooperating A and B can develop 4/fifth of the area in

A - 4 days

B - 5 days

C - 8 days

D - 10 days

Answer : C


2/5th of the land is cultivated by A in 6 days.
Whole land is cultivated by A in (6*5/2) days = 15 days
1/3 rd of the land is cultivated by B in 10 days.
Whole land is cultivated by B in (10*3) = 30 days
(A+B)'s 1 days work = (1/15+ 1/30) = 3/30 = 1/10
Whole land is cultivated by both in 10 days.
4/5th land is cultivated by both in (10*4/5) = 8 days

Q 10 - A man, a ladies and a kid can finish a vocation in 3 days, 4 days and 12 days individually. What number of young men must help 1 man and 1 lady to finish the occupation in 1/fourth of the day?

A - 10

B - 14

C - 19

D - 41

Answer : D


1 man 1 days work =1/3,1 woman 1 days work=1/4,1 boy 1 day work=1/12.
1 man 1/4 day work= (1/3*1/4) =1/12, 1 woman 1/4 day work work= (1/4*1/4) =1/6.
1 boy 1/4 day work = (1/12*1/4) =1/48.
Let (1 man +1 woman + x boys) work=1⇒1/12+1/16+x/48=1⇒7+x=48⇒x=41.
