Area Calculation - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Area Calculation. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The aggregate territory of 64 little square of a chessboard is 400 cm2. There is 3cm wide fringe around the chess board. What is the Length of every side of the chessboard?

A - 17 cm

B - 20 cm

C - 23 cm

D - 26 cm

Answer : D


Length of each side of the chess board excluding path=√400=20cm.
Length of each side = (20+3+3) = 26cm

Q 2 - The aggregate expense of deck a room at rs.8.50 per square meter is Rs. 510. In the event that the length of the room is 8m, its expansiveness is:

A - 7.5 m

B - 8.5 m

C - 10.5 m

D - 12.5 m

Answer : A


Area = total cost/rate =(510/8.50)m2= (510*2/17)m2= 60m2
Area =60m2, Length= 8m
Breadth =Area/ Length = 60/8m =7.5 m

Q 3 - If every side of a Square is expanded by 4cm, then its territory is expanded by 60m2. The side of the square is:

A - 12 cm

B - 13 cm

C - 14 cm

D - none of these

Answer : D


let the side of the square be x cm. then,
(x+4) 2-x2= 60 ⇒ 8x+16= 60 ⇒8x=44 ⇒x= 5.5cm
∴ Each side = 5.5 cm

Q 4 - A Verandah 40m long and 15 m wide is to be cleared with stones every measuring 6dm by 5dm. The quantity of stones required is:

A - 1000

B - 2000

C - 3000

D - none of these

Answer : B


Area of the verandah= (40*15)m2= 600m2
Area of one stone= (6/10*5/10) m2= 3/10m2
No. of stones = (600*10/3) = 2000

Q 5 - The perimeter of a square circumscribed about a circle of radius r is:

A - 2r

B - 4r

C - 8r

D - 21πr

Answer : C


Each side of the square = 2r
∴ Perimeter of the square = (4* 2r) = 8r.

Q 6 - The area of an equilateral triangle is 4√3cm2. Each of its side measures.

A - 4√3cm/3

B - √3cm/4

C - 3 cm

D - 4cm

Answer : D


Let each side be a cm. then, √3/4 a2= 4√3
 ⇒a2 =16 ⇒a= 4cm

Q 7 - The perimeter of a square and that of an equilateral triangle are equal. If the length of diagonal of the square be 12 √2cm, then area of the triangle is:

A - 64√3 cm2

B - 32√3 cm2

C - 24√3 cm2

D - 24√2 cm2

Answer : A


Let each side of the square be a cm.
Then, its diagonal= √2A cm.
∴ √2 A= 12 √2 ⇒ A = 12.
Perimeter of the triangle= Perimeter of the square = (12*4) =48 cm
Each side of the triangle =48/3= 16 cm
Area of the triangle = (√3/4* 16*16) cm2= 64√3 cm2

Q 8 - The length of every side of an equilateral triangle is 24 cm. The region of its engraved circle is:

A - 18 πcm2

B - 24 πcm2

C - 36 πcm2

D - 48 πcm2

Answer : D


Let the height of the triangle be h then,
1/2 * 24*h = √3/4 *24*24 ⇒h= 12 √3
∴ 3r = 12 √3 ⇒r = 4√3
Area of in circle = π* (4√3)2 = 48πcm2

Q 9 - The diagonals of a rhombus are 45 cm and 30 cm. Its territory is:

A - 675 cm2

B - 1350 cm2

C - 2010 cm2

D - 2700 cm2

Answer : A


Area of the rhombus = 1/2 d₁* d₂= (1/2 *45*40)cm2 =675 cm2

Q 10 - The distinction between the radii of the smaller circle and the greater circle is 7cm and the contrast between the territories of the two circles is 1078 cm2. Span of the littler circle is:

A - 17.5 cm

B - 21 cm

C - 28 cm

D - none of these

Answer : B


Let the radii of the inner and outer circle be r and R cm.
Then, R-r= 7 and π (R2-r2) = 1078
∴ Π (R2-r2)/ (R-r) = 1078/7
⇒R+r = (1078/7*7/22) =49
On solving (R-r) =7 and (R+r) = 49, we get r= 21 cm
