Aptitude - Averages Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Averages. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - 18 is the mean of 5 numbers. What should be the exclude number if the average became 16 after excluding number?

A - 18

B - 25

C - 34

D - 26

Answer : D


5 number have the total sum = (18*5)= 90
4 number have the total sum = (16*4)= 64
So, the exclude number is = (90-64)= 26.

Q 2 - 45 kg weight is the average of A, B and C. if the given condition of weight is 40 kg is the average of A and B while B and C have the average weight is 43 kg. Find out the weight of B?

A - 123 kg

B - 84 kg

C - 31 kg

D - 65 kg

Answer : C


A, B and C have total weight = 45*3 = 135 kg
A and B  have total weight =    40*2 = 80 kg
B and C have total weight = 43*2 = 86 kg
∴ weight of B = (80+86- 135) = 31 kg.

Q 3 - 56 is the mean weight of 120 students in second year. We find that 50 kg is the average of girls and 60 kg is the average of boys weight. Find out the number of boys and girls in second year.

A - 72 and 48

B - 34 and 23

C - 45 and 42

D - 56 and 34

Answer : A


If x is the number of boys then the numbers of girls will be (120-x)
Total weight of the second year student = 56*120 =6720
For finding the value of boys in second year  , we solve the equation such that
60x+50(120-x) = 6720 ⇒ 60x+6000-50x  = 6720 ⇒ x = 72
So , the number of boys is 72 and the number of girls is (120-72)=48

Q 4 - Before the period of 5 year the average age of wife and husband is 23 years. At the present time the average age of father, mother and son who takes the birth during the interval is 20. Find out the age of the son?

A - 5 years

B - 4 years

C - 2 years

D - 3 years

Answer : B


Sum of the ages of wife and husband at the present time = [ (23*2)+(5*2)] = 56 years.
Sum of the ages of wife , husband and son at the present time = (20*3)= 60 years.
∴  child age = (60-56)= 4 years.

Q 5 - 40 year is the average of the class. 32 years is the average of the class if 12 new students also add in this class. Find out the number of students in the class?

A - 15

B - 16

C - 17

D - 12

Answer : D


x is the strength of the class.
40x+12*32 = 36* (x+12) ⇒ 4x =(432- 384) = 48 ⇒ x = 12
∴ original strength = 12

Q 6 - Drinks were done by 6 persons. Out of them 5 person paid 32 Rs. each, Rs. 80 more paid by the 6th person in the comparison of average expenditure of all. Find out the total amount paid by 6 persons?

A - Rs 288

B - Rs 290

C - Rs 295

D - Rs 300

Answer : A


if x is the average  expenditure  of 6 person.
(32*5)+(x+80)= 6x = 5x = (160+80) = 5x= 240 ⇒ x = 48
Total expenditure  = 48*6  =288 Rs.

Q 7 - The average price of 10 books is Rs. 12 while the average price of 8 of these books is Rs. 11.75. Of the remaining two books, if the price of one book is 60% and more than the price of the other, what is the price of each of these two books?

A - Rs. 5, Rs. 7.5

B - Rs. 8, Rs. 12

C - Rs. 10, Rs. 16

D - Rs. 12, Rs. 14

Answer - C


Total price of the two books = Rs. [(12 x 10) - (11.75 x 8)] = Rs. (120 - 94) = Rs. 26. 
Let the price of one book be Rs. z. 
Then, the price of other book = Rs. (z + 60% of z) = Rs. ( z + 3z5) = Rs. 8z5 
So, z + 8z5 = 26 = 13z = 130 = z = 10. 
Therefore The price of the two books are Rs. 10 and Rs. 16.

Q 8 - Of the four numbers, the first is twice the second, the second is one-third of the third and the third is 5 times the fourth. The average of the numbers is 24.75. The largest of these numbers is?

A - none

B - 9

C - 25

D - 30

Answer - A


Let the fourth number be z. 
then, third number = 5z, second number = 5z3 and first number = 10z3 
z + 5z + 5z3 + 10z3 = (24.75 x 4) or 11z = 99 or z = 9 
So, the numbers are 9, 45, 15, and 30. 
Therefore Largest number = 45.

Q 9 The average weight of 8 persons increases by 2.5kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65kg . what might be the weight of the new person?

A - 85

B - 75

C - 75.5

D - 80

Answer - A


Total weight increased = (8 x 2.5) kg = 20kg 
Weight of new person = (65 + 20) kg = 85kg.

Q 10 - 3 years ago. the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby having been born, the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is ?

A - 3

B - 4

C - 2

D - 1

Answer - C


Total age of 5 members, 3 years ago = (17 x 5) years = 85 years 
Total age of 5 members now = (85 + 3 x 5) yrs = 100 years 
Total age of 6 members now = (17 x 6) years = 102 years 

Therefore Age of younger child = (102 - 100) = 2 years