Simplification - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Simplification. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - 4500 * ? = 3375

A - 2/5

B - 3/4

C - 1/4

D - 3/5

Answer : B


let 4500  * x = 3375. Then ,x = 3375 / 4500 = 3/4

Q 2 - 7+ 7 + 7/7/(7 + 7 +7) / 7 = ?

A - 15/21

B - 5

C - 125/3

D - 46/3

Answer : B


given exp = 7+7+1/(21/7)  = 15/3 = 5 

Q 3 - [13/4 -4/5 of 5/6]/[13/4 /1/5 -(3/10 +106/5)] - (5/3 of 3/2) =?

A - 9

B - 23/2

C - 13

D - 31/2

Answer : C


given exp = [13/4 -4/5 of 5/6]/[13/4  /1/5 -(3/10 +106/5)] - (5/3 of 3/2)
=[13/4-2/3]/[13/3 *5/1 -(3+212/5)] - (5/2)
=[31/12][65/3 - 215/10] - 5/2
=[31/12][65/3 - 43/2] - 5/2
=(31/12) / ( 130 - 129) - 5/2 = (31/12) / ( 1/6) - 5/2
=(31/ 12 * 6 /  1 ) - 5/2 = (31/2 - 5/2 ) = 26/2 = 13.

Q 4 - 3/4 /9/4 of 2/3 - (1/2-1/3)/ (1/2 +1/3) * 10/3 +5/6 =?

A - 7/18

B - 49/54

C - 2/3

D - 1/6

Answer : C


Give Exp. = 3/4/ 9/4 of 2/3 - ( 1/6 ) / (5/6)  * 10/3 + 5/6
= 3/4 / 3/2 - 1/5 * 10/3 + 5/6 = 3/4  *  2/3 - 2/3 + 5/3
= 1/2 - 2/3 + 5/6
= (3-4 + 5 ) / 6
= 4/6 = 2/3

Q 5 - 1+ 1/ 1+2 / 2+3/ (1+ 4/5 ) =?

A - 22/17

B - 17/11

C - 28/17

D - 45/17

Answer : C


given exp. = 1 + 1 /(1 + 2/(2+3/(9/5))) = 1 + 1/(1+2)/(2+5/3)
= 1 + 1/1+2/(11/3)
= 1 + 1/(1+6/11)
= 1 + 11/17
= 28/17

Q 6 - (2-1/3)(2-3/5)(2-5/7)...(2-999/1001 ) = ?

A - 999/1001

B - 1003/3

C - 1001/3

D - none of these

Answer : B


given exp.= 5/3 *7/5* 9/7*...*1003/1001 = 1003/3 

Q 7 - if (a+2b) =6 and ab = 4 , then (2/a+1/b) = ?

A - 1/2

B - 1/3

C - 3/2

D - 2

Answer : C


(2/a + 1/b) = (a +2b)/ab = 6/ 4 = 3/2.

Q 8 - if a/b = 4/5 and b/c = 15/16,then (c2-a2)/ (c2+a2) = ?

A - 1/7

B - 7/25

C - 3/ 4

D - none of these

Answer : B


a/c = (a/b* b/c) = (4/5* 15/16) = 3/4 ⇒ c/a = 4/3
∴  (c2- a2)/ (c2+a2) =  (c2/a2-1) /(c2/a2 +1) =   (c/a)2-1 / (c/a)2+1
=   (16/9 -1) /(16/9+1 ) = (7/9)/ (25/9) = 7/25

Q 9 - if a +b+c = 11 and ab+ bc + ca = 20 , then what should be the value of (a3+b3+c3-3abc) = ?

A - 121

B - 341

C - 671

D - 781

Answer : C


(a3+b3+c3- 3abc) = (a+b+c)
(a2+b2+c2-ab- bc-ca)
=  (a+b+c)[ (a+b+c)2 - 3(ab+bc+ca)]  = [ 11* (11) -3*20]
=  11* (121-60) = 11*61 = 671

Q 10 - If the average score of boys and girls is 71 and 73 but combined average of boys and girls is 71.8. How much percentage of girls is present in the class?

A - 40%

B - 50%

C - 60%

D - 70%

Answer : A


If the number of girls  is x than the  number of boys in the class (100 -x).
Then   73 x+ 71( 100- x) = 71.8 * 100
⇒ 73x -  71 x = 7180 - 7100 = 2x = 80 ⇒ x = 40
Hence, it  proves  that 40%  girls present in the class.
