Chain Rules - Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Chain Rules. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - A garrison of 500 men had provisions for 24 days . However a reinforcement of 300 men arrived . The food will now last for

A - 18 days

B - 35/2 days

C - 16 days

D - 15 days

Answer : D


Let the required number of days be x.
More men , less days      (indirect)
800 : 500  :: 24 : x ⇒ 800x = (500 * 24 ) ⇒ x = (500 * 24 ) / 800  = 15.
∴ The food will now last for 15 days.

Q 2 - 3 men or 5 women can finish a piece of work in 12 days. How long will 6 men and 5 women take to finish the work?

A - 4 days

B - 10 days

C - 15 days

D - 20 days

Answer : A


3 men = 5 women ⇒ 6 men =10 women
⇒ (6 men +5 women )= 15 women.
Let the required number  of days be x.
More women , less days      (Indirect)
15 : 5 :: 12 :  x ⇒ 15x = (5* 12 ) ⇒ x= (5*12)/15 = 4 days

Q 3 - If 12 men or 18 women can do a piece of work in 14 days , how long will 8 men and 16 women take to finish the work?

A - 9 days

B - 10 days

C - 12 days

D - 14 days

Answer : A


12 men = 18  women ⇒ 1 man = 18/12 women
⇒ 8 men = (18/12 * 8) women = 12 women
⇒ (8 men + 16 women ) = 28 women
Let the required number of days be x.
More women, less days         (Indirect)
28: 18:: 14 : x ⇒ 28x = (18*14 ) ⇒ x= (18 *14) / 28 = 9days

Q 4 - A does half as much work as B in one- sixth of time. If together they take 10 days to complete the work, how much time shall B alone take to do it ?

A - 70 days

B - 40 days

C - 30 days

D - 20 days

Answer : B


Suppose B takes x days to finish the work .
Then , A takes x/6 days to finish half the work .
∴ A takes 2x / 6 = x/3 days to finish the work.
1/x + 3/x = 1/10 ⇒ 4/x = 1/10 ⇒  x= 40.
Hence , B along takes 40 days to finish the work.

Q 5 - 40 men take 8 days to ears Rs 2000. How many men will earn Rs 200 in 2 days?

A - 1

B - 2

C - 3

D - 4

Answer : A


Let  the required number of  men  b  x.
Less  earning , less men     (Direct)
Less days , less men      (Direct)
Earning     2000  : 200
:: 40 : x
Days       8 :  2
∴ (2000 * 8 * x ) = (200 * 2 * 40 ) ⇒ x = 200* 2 * 40 / 2000 * 8  = 1 .
Required number of men = 1.

Q 6 - A garrison of 3300 men had provisions for 32 days , when given at the rate of 850 gm per head . At the end of 7 days , a reinforcement arrived and it was found that the provisions would last 17 days more , when given at the rate of 825 gm per head . What was the strength of the reinforcement?

A - 1500

B - 1600

C - 1700

D - 1800

Answer : C


Let the required strength of reinforcement be x.
3300 men had provisions for (32-7 ) = 25 days.
Less food per head , more persons    (Indirect)
Less days , more persons         (Indirect)
Food per days  825 : 850
:: 3300 : (3300  x )
Days          17 : 25
∴ 825 * 17 * (3300 + x ) = 850 * 25 * 3300
⇒ ( 3300 + x ) = 850 * 25 * 3300/825 * 17 = 5000 ⇒ x = ( 5000 - 3300) = 1700 men.

Q 7 - Running at the same constant rate , 6 identical machines can produce 2700 bottle per minute . At this rate , how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?

A - 648

B - 1800

C - 2700

D - 10800

Answer : B


Let the required number  of bottles be x .
More machines, more bottles    ( Direct)
More time, more bottles      ( Direct)
Machines         6 : 10
:: 2700 : x
Time     1:4
(6 * 1 * x) = 10 * 4 * 2700 ) ⇒ 10 * 4 * 2700 / 6 = 1800 bottles.

Q 8 - In a hospital, there is a consumption of 1350 litres of milk for 70 patients for 30 days. How many patients will consume 1710 litres of milk in 28 days?

A - 59

B - 85

C - 95

D - 105

Answer : C


Let the required number of patients be x .
More milk, more patients        (Direct)
Less days , more patients        (Indirect)
Litres   1350:1710
::70 : x 
Days       28 : 30
∴ ( 1350 * 28 * x ) = ( 1710 * 30 * 70) ⇒ x= 1710 * 30 * 70/ ( 1350 * 28 ) = 95 patients.

Q 9 - If a certain number of workmen can be a piece of work in 25 days , in what time will another set of an equal number of men do a piece of work twice as great , supposing that 2 of the first set can do as much work in an hour as 3 of the second set can do in an hour

A - 60 days

B - 75 days

C - 90 days

D - 105 days

Answer : B


Let the required time be x days  .
Ratio of their speed = 1/2 : 1/3.
More work , more time    (Direct)
Less speed, more work    (Indirect)
Work 1:2                      :: 25:x
Speed 1/3 : 1/2 
∴ (1* 1/3 *x) = 2 *1/2 *25 ⇒ x=75days.

Q 10 - 20 men complete one third of a piece of work in 20 days. How many more men should be employed to finish the rest of the work in 25 more days?

A - 10

B - 12

C - 15

D - 20

Answer : B


Work done = 1/3, Remaining work = (1- 1/3 ) = 2/3
Let the number of additional men be x.
More work, more men      (Direct)
More days , less men         (Indirect)
Work 1/3 : 2 /3
:: 20 : (20 +x)
Days 25:20
   1/3 * 25 * ( 20 + x) = 2 /3 * 20 *20 ⇒ (20 +x) = 32 ⇒ x=12.
Required number of days  = 12.
