Python Pillow - ImageGrab.grab()Function

The ImageGrab module in the Pillow library provides functionality to capture the contents of the screen or the clipboard and store it as a PIL image in memory.

The ImageGrab.grab() function is used to capture a screen snapshot. If a bounding box is specified, the pixels within it are retrieved as an "RGBA" image on macOS or as an "RGB" image on other platforms. In the absence of a specified bounding box, the entire screen content is copied.


Following is the syntax of the function −

PIL.ImageGrab.grab(bbox=None, include_layered_windows=False, all_screens=False, xdisplay=None)


Here are the details of this function parameters −

  • bbox − Defines the region to capture. If omitted, the function captures the entire screen. On Windows OS, the top-left point may be negative if all_screens=True is used.

  • include_layered_windows − If True, includes layered windows. This parameter is specific to Windows OS and was introduced in version 6.1.0.

  • all_screens − If True, captures all monitors. This parameter is specific to Windows OS and was introduced in version 6.2.0.

  • xdisplay − X11 Display address. Pass None to grab the default system screen. Pass an empty string ("") to grab the default X11 screen on Windows or macOS. To check X11 support, you can use PIL.features.check_feature() with feature="xcb".

Return Value

The function returns a PIL image containing the captured screen content.


Example 1

This example captures the entire screen using the ImageGrab.grab() function.

from PIL import ImageGrab

# Capture the entire screen
screen_image = ImageGrab.grab()

# Display the captured images
print('Captured the snapshot successfully...')


Captured the snapshot successfully...

Output Image

captured snapshot

Example 2

In this example, the ImageGrab.grab() function is used to capture a specific region of the screen.

from PIL import ImageGrab

# Specify bounding box 
bbox = (100, 100, 500, 500)  

# Capture a specific region (bbox)
captured_image = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=bbox)

# Display the captured image
print('Captured the snapshot successfully...')


Captured the snapshot successfully...

Output Image

captured image

Example 3

This example captures the entire screen initially, then a specific region is selected by using the bbox parameter.

from PIL import ImageGrab

# Capture the entire screen
screen_image = ImageGrab.grab()

# Capture a specific region (bbox)
bbox = (100, 100, 500, 500)
region_image = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=bbox)

# Display the captured images
print('Captured the snapshot successfully...')


Captured the snapshot successfully...

Entire screen

entire screen

Region image

region image