Python Pillow - Creating Images with Colors

What is creating Images with colors?

Creating images with color in Pillow (Python Imaging Library, now known as Pillow) involves creating new images filled with specific colors. Creating images with color in Pillow involves generating an image of a specific size and filling it with a desired color. This process allows us to generate solid-colored images which can be useful for various purposes such as creating backgrounds, placeholders or simple graphics.

In pillow we have the method namely new() which is used to create the images with colors. At the beginning we have seen the syntax and parameters of the new() method available in the Image module.

There are few steps to be followed to create the image with the defined color. Let's see them one by one.

  • Import the necessary modules

    To use Pillow we need to import the required modules typically Image and ImageDraw. The Image module provides functions for creating and manipulating images and ImageDraw is useful for drawing shapes and text on the images.

  • Define the image size and color

    Determine the dimensions i.e. width and height of the image we want to create and specify the color we want to use. Colors can be defined in various ways such as RGB tuples or color names.

  • Create a new image with the specified size and color

    Use the method to create a new image. We can specify the image mode which can be "RGB," "RGBA," "L" (grayscale) and others depending on our needs. We can also provide the size and color for the image.

  • Optionally draw on the image

    If we want to add shapes, text or other elements to the image then we can use the ImageDraw module. This allows us to draw on the image using various methods like draw.text(), draw.rectangle() and so on.

  • Save or display the image

    We can save the created image to a file in a specific format (e.g., PNG, JPEG) using the save() method. Alternatively we can display the image using the show() method which opens the image in the default image viewer.


Here in this example we are creating the solid red color image by using the new() method of the Image module.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

#Define image size (width and height)
width, height = 400, 300

#Define the color in RGB format (e.g., red)
color = (255, 0, 0)  

#Create a new image with the specified size and color
image ="RGB", (width, height), color)

#Save the image to a file"output Image/colored_image.png")

#Show the image (opens the default image viewer)


colored imagedraw


In this example we are using the optional feature i.e adding the text by using the ImageDraw module Draw() method.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

#Define image size (width and height)
width, height = 400, 300

#Define the color in RGB format (e.g., red)
color = (255, 0, 0)  

#Create a new image with the specified size and color
image ="RGB", (width, height), color)

#Optional: If you want to draw on the image, use ImageDraw
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.text((10, 10), "Hello, Welcome to Tutorialspoint", fill=(255, 255, 255))  

#Draw white text at position (10, 10)
#Save the image to a file"output Image/colored_image.png")

#Show the image (opens the default image viewer)


colored imagedraw tp