Python Pillow - ImageDraw.regular_polygon() Function

The ImageDraw.regular_polygon() method is used to draw a regular polygon inscribed in a bounding circle. The polygon is defined by specifying the bounding circle, the number of sides, and an optional rotation.


Following is the syntax of the function −

ImageDraw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides, rotation=0, fill=None, outline=None, width=1)


Here are the details of this function parameters −

  • bounding_circle − It is a tuple that defines the bounding circle point and radius. It can be specified as a tuple (x, y, r) or as ((x, y), r). The polygon is inscribed in this circle.

  • n_sides − It specifies the number of sides for the regular polygon (e.g., n_sides=3 for a triangle, n_sides=6 for a hexagon).

  • rotation − An optional parameter that applies an arbitrary rotation to the polygon, specified in degrees (e.g., rotation=90 applies a 90-degree rotation). The default is no rotation (rotation=0).

  • fill − The color to use for filling the polygon.

  • outline − The color to use for the outline of the polygon.

  • width − The line width of the polygon's outline, in pixels. The default value is 1.


Example 1

This example draws a regular pentagon inscribed in a bounding circle with a specified center, and radius, the remaining parameters are set remains to the default values.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Create a new image with a white background
image ="RGB", (700, 300), "black")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the bounding circle as a tuple (center, radius)
bounding_circle = ((350, 150), 100)

# Specify the number of sides for the regular polygon
n_sides = 5

# Draw a regular polygon inscribed in the bounding circle
draw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides)

# Display the image

print('The regular polygon is drawn successfully...')


The regular polygon is drawn successfully...

Output Image

regular polygon

Example 2

This example draws a regular pentagon inscribed in a bounding circle with a specified center and radius. The fill color is set to medium spring green, and the outline color is set to yellow with a line width of 5 pixels.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Create a new image with a white background
image ="RGB", (700, 300), "white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the bounding circle as a tuple (center, radius)
bounding_circle = ((350, 150), 100)

# Specify the number of sides for the regular polygon
n_sides = 6

# Draw a regular polygon inscribed in the bounding circle
draw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides, fill='mediumspringgreen', outline='yellow', width=5)

# Display the image

print('The regular polygon is drawn successfully...')


The regular polygon is drawn successfully...

Output Image

green polygon

Example 3

The following example demonstrates how to draw a regular polygon on an existing image with different parameters.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Open an Image
image ='Images/TP-W.jpg')

# Create the draw object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the bounding circle as a tuple (center, radius)
bounding_circle = ((345, 145), 100)

# Specify the number of sides for the regular polygon
n_sides = 5

# Set fill and outline colors
fill_color = "red"
outline_color = "black"

# Draw a regular polygon inscribed in the bounding circle
draw.regular_polygon(bounding_circle, n_sides, fill=fill_color, outline=outline_color, width=4)

# Display the image

print('The regular polygon is drawn successfully...')
The regular polygon is drawn successfully...


The regular polygon is drawn successfully...

Output Image

red polygon