Python Pillow - ImageDraw.multiline_text() Function

The ImageDraw.multiline_text() method in the Pillow library is used to draw multiline text at a specified position on an image.


Following is the syntax of the function −

ImageDraw.multiline_text(xy, text, fill=None, font=None, anchor=None, spacing=4, align='left', direction=None, features=None, language=None, stroke_width=0, stroke_fill=None, embedded_color=False, font_size=None)


Here are the details of this function parameters −

  • xy − The anchor coordinates of the text. It specifies the position where the anchor aligns with the text.

  • text − The string to be drawn, containing the multiline text.

  • fill − The color to use for the text.

  • font − An ImageFont instance that represents the font to be used for the text.

  • anchor − The text anchor alignment. It determines the relative location of the anchor to the text. The default alignment is top left.

  • spacing − The number of pixels between lines.

  • align − The alignment of lines within the multiline text. It can be "left", "center", or "right".

  • direction − The direction of the text. It can be "rtl" (right to left), "ltr" (left to right), or "ttb" (top to bottom).

  • features − A list of OpenType font features to be used during text layout. It's used to enable or disable optional font features.

  • language − The language of the text. It should be a BCP 47 language code.

  • stroke_width − The width of the text stroke.

  • stroke_fill − The color to use for the text stroke. If not given, it defaults to the fill parameter.

  • embedded_color − Whether to use font embedded color glyphs (COLR, CBDT, SBIX).

  • font_size − If the font parameter is not provided, this specifies the size to use for the default font.


Example 1

In this example, the multiline_text() method is used to draw multiline text with the default parameters on the image.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# Create an image
image ="RGB", (700, 300), "white")

# Get a drawing context
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the multiline text
text = "Hello,\nThis is\nMultiline Text!"

# Set the fill color for the text
fill_color = 'green'

# Draw multiline text on the image with default parameters
draw.multiline_text((150, 130), text, fill=fill_color)

# Display the image
print('The multiline text is drawn successfully...')


The multiline text is drawn successfully...

Output Image

multiline text

Example 2

In this example, the multiline text is drawn on an image with different parameters.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# Create a new image with a white background
image ="RGB", (700, 300), "black")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the multiline text
text = "Hello,\nThis is\nMultiline Text!"

# Set the font and size
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", size=20)

# Set fill color for the text
fill_color = "orange"

# Draw multiline text on the image
draw.multiline_text((250, 100), text, fill=fill_color, font=font, spacing=10, align="left")

# Display the image
print('The multiline text is drawn successfully...')


The multiline text is drawn successfully...

Output Image

multiline text black background

Example 3

The following example demonstrates how to draw the multiline text on an existing image with different parameters.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# Open an Image
image ='Images/TP-W.jpg')

# Create the draw object
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Define the multiline text
multiline_text = "Tutorialspoint,\nSimple Easy Learning At Your Fingertips"

# Set the font and size
font = ImageFont.load_default()

# Set fill color for the text
fill_color = "darkgreen"

# Draw multiline text on the image
draw.multiline_text((240, 310), multiline_text, fill=fill_color, font=font, spacing=10, align="left")

# Display the image

print('Multiline text is drawn successfully...')


Multiline text is drawn successfully...
draw multiline text