• JavaScript Video Tutorials

JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER

The JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is a static data property, that represents the minimum safe integer. The 'minimum safe integer' value in JavaScript is "-9007199254740991" or "-(253-1)". Therefore, it is a property of the Number object, so you can use it as a Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, rather than as a property of a number value.

Note: If you try to access it using x.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, where 'x', is a variable, it will return undefined.


Following is the syntax of JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER property −



  • It does not accept any parameters.

Return value

This property has no return value.

Example 1

The following program demonstrates the usage of the JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER property. It will return '-9007199254740991' for Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER.

<title>JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER Property</title>
   document.write("Minimum safe integer: " , Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);


The above program returns the minimum safe integer value in JavaScript as '-9007199254740991'.

Minimum safe integer: -9007199254740991

Example 2

If you try to access this property using any variable, it will return an undefined.

The following is another example of the JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER property. Here, we are trying to find the minimum safe integer value by using n.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, where "n" is a variable with the value 5.

<title>JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER Property</title>
   let n = 5;
   document.write("n = ", n);
   document.write("<br>Minimum safe integer = ", n.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);


This will return 'undefined' for n.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER.

n = 5
Minimum safe integer = undefined

Example 3

Let's test what happens if we try to add an integer value to the result of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, whether it returns the default minimum safe integer value or the actual value after adding an integer.

<title>JavaScript Number MIN_SAFE_INTEGER Property</title>
   let val = 5;
   document.write("val = ", val);
   document.write("<br>Minimum safe integer without adding = ", Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
   document.write("<br>Minimum safe integer after adding 5 = ", Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER + val);
   //lets compare the value of m1 and m2
   const m1 = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER + 1;
   const m2 = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER + 2;
   document.write("<br>m1 = ", m1);
   document.write("<br>m2 = ", m2);
   document.write("<br>m1 === m2: ");
   if(m1 === m2){


After executing the above program, it will produce the following output −

val = 5
Minimum safe integer without adding = -9007199254740991
Minimum safe integer after adding 5 = -9007199254740986
m1 = -9007199254740990
m2 = -9007199254740989
m1 === m2: False