Swift-Escaping and Non-escaping closure

Swift Closure

Just like another programming language Swift also supports Closure. A closure is a self-contained block of functionality that can passed around and used inside the code to perform any specific task. It can assigned to a variable or can be passed as a parameter to a function. A closure can capture values from its surrounding context and can be used as a callback or inline code. Swift supports the following type of closure −

  • Escaping Closure
  • Non-Escaping Closure

Let us discuss both of them in detail.

Escaping Closures in Swift

When a closure is passed as an argument to the function but that closure is called after the function returns, then such type of closure is known as escaping closure. By default, the closure passed in the function as a parameter is a non-escaping parameter, which means the closure will execute during the execution of the function.

To declare a closure as an escaping closure we have to use the @escaping keyword before the parameter type that represents the escaping closure.


Following is the syntax for escaping closure −

func methodname(closure: @escaping() -> Void){
   // body

   // Calling the closure


Swift program to demonstrate escaping closure.

import Foundation

class Operation{
   // Method that takes two numbers and an escaping closure to find their product
   func product(_ x: Int, _ y: Int, productResult: @escaping (Int) -> Void) {
      // Activating an asynchronous task
      DispatchQueue.global().async {
         let output = x * y
         // Calling escaping closure

// Creating object of Operation class
let obj = Operation()

// Accessing the method
obj.product(10, 4) { res in
   print("Product of 10 * 4 = \(res)")

// Activating the passage of time
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
   // It will be executed after a delay, simulating an asynchronous operation


It will produce the following output −

Product of 10 * 4 = 40

Non-Escaping Closure in Swift

Non-escaping closures are the default in Swift, we do not require any special notation to represent non-escaping closures. Such type of closure executes during the execution of the function in which they are passed, once the execution of the function ends the closure is no longer available for execution. They are not stored for later execution.


Following is the syntax of non-escaping closure −

mutating func methodname(Parameters) -> returntype {


Swift program to demonstrate non-escaping closure.

class Operation {
   // Function that takes two numbers and a non-escaping closure to calculate their sum
   func sum(_ X: Int, _ Y: Int, add: (Int) -> Void) {
      let result = X + Y
      // Calling the non-escaping closure

// Creating the object of operation class
let obj = Operation()

obj.sum(10, 12) { add in
   print("sum: \(add)")


It will produce the following output −

Sum: 22

Escaping VS Non-Escaping Closure

Following are the major differences between the escaping and non-escaping closures −

Escaping Closure Non-Escaping Closure
It can outlive the function in which it is passed. It executes during the execution of the function.
It can store as a property or can assigned to a variable. It cannot stored and not allowed to used outside the function’s scope.
It is commonly used for asynchronous operations like network request, etc. It is commonly used for synchronous operations like simple computation, etc.
@escaping keyword is used to created escaping clousre. It is by default closure and doesnot required any special syntax.