Swift - Arithmetic Overflow Operators

Arithmetic overflow operators are the special type of operators that are used to perform arithmetic operations on integer types and handle overflow very efficiently. They are generally used when we want to perform calculations that may exceed the maximum or minimum bound of the given integer.

For example, we are adding two integers of Int8 type which exceed the maximum bound of the Int8(-128 to 127). So if we are using the normal addition operator "+" we will get an error because we are not allowed to store numbers greater than the maximum or minimum bound in Int8 but using arithmetic overflow operators we can easily overflow the minimum and maximum bound of Int8 without any error.

Swift supports three types of arithmetic overflow operators −

Operator Name Example
&+ Overflow Addition X &+ Y
&- Overflow Subtraction X &- Y
&* Overflow Multiplication X &* Y

Overflow Value

Before understanding the workings of the overflow operators, we first understand what overflow value is. As we know an integer has a particular range with minimum and maximum values such as Int8 can store values from -128 to 127.

So the overflow value represents the value that exceeds the minimum or maximum range of the given integer. This generally happens when we work with overflow arithmetic operators.

We can overflow signed and unsigned integers. When we overflow in a positive direction it will wrap around from the maximum valid integer value to the minimum whereas when we overflow in a negative direction it will wrap around from the minimum valid integer value to the maximum.


var num = UInt8.max
num = num &+ 1

Here an unsigned integer is flowing in the positive direction with the help of the &+ operator because the maximum value of UInt8 is 255 or the binary representation is 11111111.

Now we add 1 to num which will exceed its maximum value. So this overflow is handled by wrapping around the minimum representable value of UInt8 which is 0.

Overflow Addition "&+" in Swift

The overflow Addition "&+" operator is used to add two integers with overflow checking. If any overflow occurs, then it will handle it properly without causing an error to the program. This operator can work with both signed and unsigned integers.


Following is the syntax of the overflow addition operator −

var value = x &+ b


Swift program to calculate the sum of two integers of Int8 types.

import Foundation

// Defining integer data type
let num1 : Int8 = 110
let num2 : Int8 = 30

// Calculate the sum using the normal addition operator
var sum = num1 + num2

print("Sum of \(num1) and \(num2) = \(sum)")


Stack dump:
0.	Program arguments: /opt/swift/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -interpret main.swift -disable-objc-interop -color-diagnostics -new-driver-path /opt/swift/bin/swift-driver -empty-abi-descriptor -resource-dir /opt/swift/lib/swift -module-name main
1.	Swift version 5.7.3 (swift-5.7.3-RELEASE)
2.	Compiling with the current language version
3.	While running user code "main.swift"
Stack dump without symbol names (ensure you have llvm-symbolizer in your PATH or set the environment var `LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH` to point to it):
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

But we got an error because the resultant value will exceed the maximum bound of Int8. So to overcome this problem we will use the addition overflow operator "&+". This operator will add them without giving an error.

import Foundation

// Defining integer data type
let num1 : Int8 = 110
let num2 : Int8 = 30

// Calculate the sum using the addition overflow operator
var sum = num1 &+ num2

print("Sum of \(num1) and \(num2) = \(sum)")


Sum of 110 and 30 = -116

Overflow Subtraction "&-" in Swift

The overflow Addition "&-" operator is used to subtract two integers with overflow checking. If any overflow occurs, then it will handle it properly without causing an error. It works with both signed and unsigned integers.


Following is the syntax of the overflow subtraction operator −

var value = x &- b


Swift program to subtract two unsigned integers.

import Foundation

// Defining unsigned integer data type
let num1 : UInt8 = 54
let num2 : UInt8 = 90

// Subtract integers using the normal subtraction operator
var sum = num1 - num2

print("\(num1) - \(num2) = \(sum)")


Stack dump:
0.	Program arguments: /opt/swift/bin/swift-frontend -frontend -interpret main.swift -disable-objc-interop -color-diagnostics -new-driver-path /opt/swift/bin/swift-driver -empty-abi-descriptor -resource-dir /opt/swift/lib/swift -module-name main
1.	Swift version 5.7.3 (swift-5.7.3-RELEASE)
2.	Compiling with the current language version
3.	While running user code "main.swift"
Stack dump without symbol names (ensure you have llvm-symbolizer in your PATH or set the environment var `LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH` to point to it):
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Similarly, we got an error because it exceeded the bound. So to subtract two unsigned integers we will use the subtraction overflow "&-" operator which will subtract them even if their bound exceeds without giving any error.

import Foundation

// Defining unsigned integer data type
let num1 : UInt8 = 54
let num2 : UInt8 = 90

// Subtract integers using the subtraction overflow operator
var sum = num1 &- num2

print("\(num1) - \(num2) = \(sum)")


54 - 90 = 220

Overflow Multiplication(&*) in Swift

The overflow Multiplication "&*" operator is used to find the product of two integers with overflow checking. If any overflow occurs, then it will handle it properly without causing an error. It works with both signed and unsigned integers.


Following is the syntax of the overflow multiplication operator −

var value = x &* b


Swift program to calculate the product of two signed integers using multiplication overflow "&*" operator.

import Foundation

// Defining integer data type
let num1 : Int8 = 54
let num2 : Int8 = 90

// Calculate the product of two integers using the multiplication overflow operator
var sum = num1 &* num2

print("Product of \(num1) and \(num2) = \(sum)")


Product of 54 and 90 = -4