TypeScript - Inheritance

Inheritance in TypeScript is a concept that allows us to reuse the properties and methods of a single class with other classes. So, it increases the code readability by allowing the reuse of the codes of different classes.

TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language, and it supports all features of the OOP. Object-oriented programming has four main pillars and inheritance is one of them.

TypeScript mainly supports two types of inheritance: single-class inheritance and multilevel inheritance. We will explore each of them in this chapter.

Single Class Inheritance

In single-class inheritance, one class inherits the properties of another class. The class that inherits the properties of the other class is called the base class or child class. The class whose properties are inherited is called a parent or superclass.

You can use the 'extend' keyword to achieve inheritance in TypeScript.


You can follow the syntax below to use the single-class inheritance.

class Child extends Parent {
    // Define properties and methods for child class

In the above syntax, we have used the 'extends' keyword between the name of the child and the parent class.


In the code below, we have defined the 'Vehicle' class which contains the 'getType()' method, returning the vehicle type.

class Vehicle {
    getType() {
        return "Vehicle";

// Define a class Car that extends Vehicle
class Car extends Vehicle {
    carName: string = "Innova";
    getCarName() {
        return this.carName;

// Create an object of Car class
let car = new Car();
console.log(car.getType()); // Output: Vehicle
console.log(car.getCarName()); // Output: Innova

On compiling, it will generate the following JavaScript code.

class Vehicle {
    getType() {
        return "Vehicle";
// Define a class Car that extends Vehicle
class Car extends Vehicle {
    constructor() {
        this.carName = "Innova";
    getCarName() {
        return this.carName;
// Create an object of Car class
let car = new Car();
console.log(car.getType()); // Output: Vehicle
console.log(car.getCarName()); // Output: Innova



Super Keyword

The super keyword is used to call the constructor of the Parent class or access and call the method of the Parent class.


You can follow the syntax below to use the super keyword to call the constructor and methods of the Parent class in the Child class.

class Child extends Parent {
    constructor() {
        super();  // To call the constructor of the parent class
    super.method_name(); // To call method of the parent class

In the above syntax, we have used the 'super()' inside the constructor of the child class to call the constructor of the parent class.

In 'super.method_name()', method_name is the name of the method of the parent class.


In the code below, we have defined the Person class which contains the 'name' property, and initialized it inside the constructor() method. The display() method prints the value of the name property.

class Person {
    name: string;
    constructor(name: string) {
        this.name = name;
    display(): void {

// Employee class is inheriting the Person class
class Employee extends Person {
    empCode: number;
    constructor(name: string, code: number) {
        this.empCode = code;
    show(): void {
// Creating the object of Employee class
let emp = new Employee("Sam", 123);
emp.show(); // Sam

On compiling, it will generate the following JavaScript code.

class Person {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
    display() {
// Employee class is inheriting the Person class
class Employee extends Person {
    constructor(name, code) {
        this.empCode = code;
    show() {
// Creating the object of Employee class
let emp = new Employee("Sam", 123);
emp.show(); // Sam


The above code example will produce the following result -


Method Overriding

The method overriding concept allows you to override the code of the particular method of the parent class inside the child class. This way, you can have a method with the same name in the parent and child classes, having different functionalities.


In the code below, the Animal class has a move() method which works for any animal. After that, we have extended the Dog class with the Animal class. The Dog class has its own move() method, and that's how we do method overriding.

class Animal {
    move() {
        console.log("Animal is moving");

// Dog class is inheriting Animal class
class Dog extends Animal {
    // Method overriding
    move() {
        console.log("Dog is moving");

let dog = new Dog();
dog.move(); // Output: Dog is moving

On compiling, it will generate the same JavaScript code.


The above code example will produce the following result -

Dog is moving

Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel inheritance allows you to inherit the properties of the parent class, where the parent class also inherits the other class.


In the code below, the Parrot class inherits the properties and methods of the Bird class, and the Bird class inherits the properties and methods of the Animal class. However, you may have more levels of multilevel inheritance in real-time development.

class Animal {
    // Move method
    move() {
        console.log('This animal moves');

// Bird class extends Animal class
class Bird extends Animal {
    // Bird can fly
    fly() {
        console.log('This bird flies');

// Parrot class inherits the Bird class
class Parrot extends Bird {
    // Parrot can speak
    speak() {
        console.log('The parrot speaks');

// Creating an instance of the Parrot class
let P1 = new Parrot();

On compiling, it will generate the same JavaScript code.


The above code example will produce the following result -

The parrot speaks

Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, and Hybrid Inheritance are also supported by some object-oriented programming languages but not supported by TypeScript. You may use the interface or prototype-based inheritance to achieve multiple inheritance.
