• Selenium Video Tutorials

Selenium - Reporting Tools

The reporting is one of the key steps at the end of running a test on an application. This is required for both automation and manual testing processes, and it needs to be shared across the project stakeholders. On running automation tests using Selenium or any other tool, the team views and analyzes the outcomes of the execution to get an overall picture on the total number of test cases executed, passed, failed, failure data, screenshots of failed steps, and so on in the form of various reports. The test reports are also shared with the project stakeholders on a periodic basis.

Reporting Tools Supported by Selenium

Allure Report

Allure is an open source framework for reporting that can be integrated with Selenium Webdriver.

A sample Allure report is seen in the below image.

Selenium Reporting Tools 1

JUnit Report

JUnit is an open source framework for reporting that can be integrated with Selenium Webdriver.

A sample JUnit report is seen in the below image.

Selenium Reporting Tools 2

TestNG Report

TestNG is a unit testing framework that is integrated with Selenium to create reports.

A sample TestNG report is seen in the below image.

Selenium Reporting Tools 3

Another sample TestNG index.html is seen in the below image.

Selenium Reporting Tools 4


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Selenium Reporting Tools. We’ve started with describing different reporting tools supported by Selenium, such as Allure, JUnit, and TestNG reporting tools. This equips you with in-depth knowledge of the reporting tools. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Selenium to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
