• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Ds Set get() Function

The PHP Ds\Set::get() function retrieves the value at a specified index within the current set. The index begins at position 0, so index 0 represents the first element, index 1 represents the second element, and so on.

If the specified index value is negative or invalid (not in range), this function will throw an "OutOfRangeException" exception.


Following is the syntax of the PHP Ds\Set::get() function −

public mixed Ds\Set::get( int $index )


This function accepts a single parameter named 'index', which is described below −

  • index − An integer value that specifies the index to access.

Return value

This function returns the value at the requested index.

Example 1

The following is the basic example of the PHP Ds\Set::get() function.

   $set = new \Ds\Set([132, 312, 213, 123, 231]);
   echo "The set elements are: \n";
   $index = 3;
   echo "The index value is: ".$index;
   echo "\nThe elements ".$set->get($index). " is found at index position ".$index;


After executing the above program, it will generate the following output −

The set elements are:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => 132
    [1] => 312
    [2] => 213
    [3] => 123
    [4] => 231
The index value is: 3
The elements 123 is found at index position 3

Example 2

The following is another example of the PHP Ds\Set::get() function. We use this function to retrieve an element from this set (["Welcome", "to", "Tutorials", "point"]) at the specified index 0.

    $set = new \Ds\Set(["Welcome", "to", "Tutorials", "point"]);
    echo "The set elements are: \n";
	$index = 0;
	echo "The index value is: ".$index;
    echo "\nThe elements '".$set->get($index)."' is found at index position ".$index;


The above program returns the following output −

The set elements are:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => Welcome
    [1] => to
    [2] => Tutorials
    [3] => point
The index value is: 0
The elements 'Welcome' is found at index position 0

Example 3

If the index parameter value is negative or greater than the set size, the get() function will throw an "OutOfRangeException" exception.

   $set = new \Ds\Set([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);
   echo "The set elements are: \n";
   $index = 7;
   echo "The index value is: ".$index;
   echo "The element obtained: ";


Once the program above is executed, it will throw the following exception:

The set elements are:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => 10
    [1] => 20
    [2] => 30
    [3] => 40
    [4] => 50
The index value is: 7The element obtained: PHP Fatal error: 
Uncaught OutOfRangeException: Index out of range: 7, expected 0 <= x <= 4 in C:\Apache24\htdocs\index.php:8
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Apache24\htdocs\index.php(8): Ds\Set->get(7)
#1 {main}
  thrown in C:\Apache24\htdocs\index.php on line 8