• PHP Video Tutorials

PHP - Ds Set add() Function

The PHP Ds\Set::add() function is used to add the specified values to the current set. You can add multiple values with different types at the same time. For example, values 1, 2, 'a', 'b', "Hello", and "World" can be added to the set at a time.


Following is the syntax of the PHP Ds\Set::add() function −

public void Ds\Set::add([ mixed $...values ] )


This function accepts a single parameter named 'values' which holds multiple values −

  • values − The values need to be added to the set.

Return value

This function does not return any value.

Example 1

Following is the basic example of the PHP Ds\Set::add() function.

   $set = new \Ds\Set();
   echo "The set before adding any value: \n";
   #using add() function
   echo "The set after adding values to it: \n";


The above program produces the following output −

The set before adding any value:
Ds\Set Object
The set after adding values to it:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => 100
    [1] => a
    [2] => 101

Example 2

The following is another example of the PHP Ds\Set::add() function. We use this function to add the specified values "welcome", "hello", and "hi" to this set (["Hey"]).

   $set = new \Ds\Set(["Hey"]);
   echo "The set before adding any value: \n";
   $v1 = "welcome";
   $v2 = "hello";
   $v3 = "hi";
   echo "Values need to be added: ".$v1.", ".$v2.", ".$v3;
   echo "\nThe set after adding values to it: \n";


After executing the above program, it will generate the following output −

The set before adding any value:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => Hey
Values need to be added: welcome, hello, hi
The set after adding values to it:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => Hey
    [1] => welcome
    [2] => hello
    [3] => hi

Example 3

Adding multiple different types of values at a time.

In the example below, we use the PHP Ds\Set::add() function to add multiple different types of values 8, 64, "eight", and 'j' at a time in the current set.

   $set = new \Ds\Set();
   echo "The set before adding any value: \n";
   $set->add(8, 64, "eight", 'j');
   echo "The set after adding values to it: \n";


On executing the above program, it will display the following output −

The set before adding any value:
Ds\Set Object
The set after adding values to it:
Ds\Set Object
    [0] => 8
    [1] => 64
    [2] => eight
    [3] => j