Seaborn Utility Functions - Introduction

There is no clear definition for the word "utility." If a piece of code appears too small to be deemed a standalone application and too general-purpose to be considered a component of a specific program, it may be referred to as a utility. For instance, a database program would not constitute a utility, but a function that only operated on a list once might. The majority of utilities are similar to the existing functions and macros in Seaborn.

In the following chapters we will look at the different utility functions and understand how they work. We have been working with some of these functions already in the previous chapters but now, we will understand only the working of these and not as a part of other topics.

There are many utility functions and in nay library they play a crucial role. In Seaborn we have the following utility functions.

S.No Method and Description
1 Despine

This method helps to removes the top and right spines of the plot.

2 Move_legend

This method helps to move the plot’s legend to a new location.

3 Saturate

This method helps to return a fully saturated color with the same hue.

4 Desaturate

This method helps to decrease the saturation channel of a color by a particular percent.

5 Set_hls_values

This method helps to manipulate the H, L and S colors individually.

6 Load_dataset

This method helps to load inbuilt seaborn datasets to work with them.

7 Get_dataset_names

This method helps to view all the dataset names present by default in the seaborn library.

8 Get_data_home

This method helps to retrieve a path to the home directory for exemplar directory.
