Seaborn Color Palettes - Introduction

Color palettes in seaborn makes visualizing data a lot more interesting. The main aim while producing a data visualization is to convey the data's insights. While styling affects how your audience understands what you're trying to say, visualizing conveys crucial information.

The final step of data visualization is styling, which comes after formatting and visualizing your data. Customizing the overall appearance of your visualization or figure is the process of styling. Making deliberate choices will enhance the impact of the visualization and distinguish your work. Using backdrop colors, grids, spines, and ticks, we'll look at how to change the overall appearance of your figure in the following articles. We may generate the point with various colors using the palette.

In the following chapters we will discuss a few of the color palette methods that Seaborn offers.


The list of all the Seaborn functions regarding Color Palettes is given below −

S.No Method and Description
1 set_palette()

This method sets the palette for plots.

2 color_palette()

This method returns a palette defined by a list of colors or a continuous colormap.

3 husl_palette()

This method retrieves a set of evenly spaced colors that are a part of the HUSL color space.

4 hls_palette()

This method retrieves set of evenly spaced colors that are a part of the HSL color space.

5 cubehelix_palette()

This method creates a sequential palette from cubehelix system.

6 dark_palette()

This method creates a sequential palette that blends from dark colors to lighter colors.

7 light_palette()

This method creates a sequential palette that blends from light to color.

8 diverging_palette()

This method creates a diverging plot between two HUSL colors.

9 blend_palette()

This method is used to blend between a list of colors.

10 xkcd_palette()

This method is used to create a palette with color names form the xkcd color survey.

11 crayon_palette()

This method is used to create a palette with color names from Crayola crayons.

12 mpl_palette()

This method returns a palette's discrete color values.
