Docker - Security

Docker security is crucial to ensure that the containerized application remains fully functional and reliable. One of the primary concerns associated with Docker security is effective container isolation not to let malicious activities propagate. Docker utilizes Linux kernel namespaces and groups or control groups to isolate processes and resources.

By establishing namespaces, each container can possess an exclusive environment and not have direct access to the resources held by other containers. On the other hand, groups limit resources that a container can consume, be it the CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc. to keep distribution fair and the system from getting exhausted. Just using these features of the Linux kernel, Docker maintains an excellent baseline security model, thus helping to mitigate common threats.

It is the image management and proper handling of the Docker daemon that becomes another critical area in ensuring Docker security. This includes ensuring that images come from trusted repositories and are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities, a means of not deploying compromised containers. Exemplary tools that assist in the verification of images for both integrity and security are Docker Content Trust and Image scanning services.

There are four major areas to consider when reviewing Docker security

  • The intrinsic security of the kernel and support for namespaces and cgroups
  • The attack surface that is exposed by the Docker daemon alone
  • Loopholes in container configuration profiles either by default or when the user customizes them.
  • The "hardening" security features of the kernel and how the security features interact with containers.

Let’s discuss more aspects of Docker Container Security in this chapter.

Kernel Namespaces

Namespaces are basically what Docker uses to run the containers isolated. The namespaces partition kernel resources whereby a set of processes sees one set of resources, and another set of processes sees a different set of resources.

Docker uses the following kinds of namespaces −

  • PID Namespace − It isolates the process IDs, which means a process ID inside a container will be different from that on the host.
  • Mount Namespace − This isolates mount points in the file system to ensure the isolation of file systems seen inside the container from those on the host.
  • Network Namespace − Isolates the networking by interfaces, IP addresses, and routing tables.
  • UTS Namespace − Isolates kernel and version identifiers.
  • IPC Namespace − Isolates the IPC resources to message queues, semaphores, and shared memory, among others.
  • User Namespace − Isolates user and group IDs, allowing the container to run as non-root inside the container but map to root on the host.

Docker achieves the isolation of containers from each other and the host by using these namespaces.

Control Groups

Another essential safety feature of Docker to provide resource isolation and management is Control groups. Cgroups control the amount of system resources a container can consume, preventing one single container from exhausting system resources and leeching on the host's system to other containers.

Some examples of crucial resource controls offered by groups are −

  • CPU − Shares the CPU with the container and sets the container's CPU usage limit.
  • Memory − Constrains the memory usage by a container, and also the swap memory - to prevent a container from utilizing more memory than what is allocated.
  • Disk I/O − Determines how quickly the program does reading and writing to a disk.
  • Network − Manages bandwidth allocation for the network.

Docker equally distributes resources among containers, avoiding resource contention, and thus enhancing overall system stability and security.

Docker Daemon Attack Surface

The Docker daemon runs with root-level privileges, a serious security concern. An attacker can compromise it and gain control over the whole host system. To reduce the attack surface, best practices must be followed −

  • Limit Access − Allow access to the Docker daemon only for specific users while controlling those who can run Docker commands - restricted access to secured communication with Unix socket permissions or TCP with TLS.
  • Use Rootless Mode − Use Docker's rootless mode as much as possible; with this mode, daemon and containers run without root privilege. It is regarded as one way to reduce the possibility of privilege escalation.
  • Network Security − Ensure that the Docker daemon API is not exposed on the public Internet. If Docker daemon API access is required from remote places, secure it through firewall rules and VPN.
  • Regular Updates − Keep Docker and the base OS updated to safeguard against any identified vulnerability.

Capabilities of the Linux Kernel

Linux kernel capabilities provide fine-grained controls over the privileges given to processes. Docker uses the capabilities to reduce the number of privileges a container can be allocated, where a container is historically allocated only the necessary capabilities for its operation. The following capabilities are in use −

  • CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE − Allow binding to ports below 1024.
  • CAP_SYS_ADMIN − This capability allows many different system administration operations.
  • CAP_SYS_PTRACE − This capability allows a process to trace other processes.

Docker drops many capabilities by default to lessen the potential for privilege escalation. Users can use the `--cap-add` and `--cap-drop` options to, respectively, add back in or drop additional specific capabilities upon launching containers, enabling fine-tuning of the security profile to the particular needs of their applications.

Docker Content Trust Signature Verification

Docker Content Trust (DCT) provides image signing and verification. This guarantees the images are not tampered with and come from whomever they appear to be. When DCT is enabled, Docker will check the digital signatures of the images before pulling or running, ensuring the usage of only trusted images.

Here are some of the key features that make DCT such an essential part of your secure supply chain −

  • Image Signing − The developers can sign images using their private keys.
  • Signature Validation − Docker verifies these signatures against the public keys associated with the attached to ensure that the image is either unchanged or tamper-free.
  • Immutable Tags − Protect against accidental overwrites of signed images.

Enabling DCT supports the added security of the overall system, whereby only verified and trusted images are deployed, otherwise safeguarded from tampered or malevolent images.

Other Kernel Security Features

Other Linux kernel security features that enhance security in Docker apart from namespaces, groups, and capabilities are as follows −

Seccomp (Secure Computing Mode)

A kernel feature in Linux that can be used to filter out the particular system calls a container can make, thus reducing the ability to perform potentially unsafe operations. Docker makes use of seccomp profiles to define allowed and denied system calls.

AppArmor is a confinement application that confines program behavior in Linux. Docker uses AppArmor profiles to apply mandatory access control rules to containers, restricting their capabilities.


This is yet another security module that can be used to implement security policies regarding how applications are allowed to access resources. Docker can be configured to use SELinux to get extra heightened security.

User Namespace Remapping

Maps user IDs and group IDs inside a container to different IDs on the host, essentially improving security by isolating container processes from the host's.

Docker Security Best Practices

While Docker makes it much easier to create, distribute, and deploy applications, some security concerns arise with containerized environments. One of the fundamental aspects of Docker security is the selection and management of Docker images. Much can be done to improve the security of Docker deployments by implementing the best practices concerning image selection, build process, and vulnerability scanning.

Choosing the Right Base Image from a Trusted Source and Keeping It Small

First, after establishing the need to use the Docker image, you need to choose a base image. A base image always needs to be taken from any official source, such as Docker Hub, or from any other reputable repository. An official image is periodically updated and less vulnerable. In addition, keeping the base image small will reduce its attack surface and minimize the inclusion of unnecessary packages and dependencies; therefore, it can be less vulnerable.

Use Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds are a feature in Docker that allow the use of multiple FROMs within a single Dockerfile. This feature is most useful when building smaller, more secure images. For example, you might use a large base image to build and compile your application artifacts and then copy these artifacts into a small final image. This reduces the size of the final image and eliminates the need to include all the build tools and dependencies in the final image, which tends to minimize security vulnerabilities.

Rebuilding Images

Rebuild your Docker images regularly to always benefit from the most recent security patches and updates. If you discover any flaws within the base images or their dependencies after they have been built, you will have to rebuild those images to incorporate the fixes. Automatic build and deployment ensure the images are reconstructed and re-uploaded in case a security update is available.

Verifying Your Image for Vulnerabilities

Before deploying Docker images into production, it is imperative to scan them for vulnerabilities. Several available tools can help you scan Docker images for known vulnerabilities, including Clair, Docker Security Scanning, and other third-party vulnerability scanning services. These tools identify the security issues in your images and recommend how to mitigate them, like updating dependencies or using a different base image.


Securing Docker images is crucial to a secure containerized environment. Proper practices around selecting trusted base images, ensuring their small size, multistage builds, frequent image rebuilding, and scanning for vulnerabilities will help incorporate the risk of security breaches and ensure the integrity of Docker deployment. These kinds of practices will not only enhance the security posture but be critical to the reliability and performance of the Docker environment. Also having in-depth knowledge of the working of Kernel namespaces, CGroups, DCTs, etc. helps to gain finer control.


Q 1. What are the main security concerns when using Docker?

Docker, just like any other technology, has its security concerns. This includes vulnerabilities of the container image, Docker engine, or container; misconfigurations in the container that expose sensitive data or ports; running containers with excessive privileges; and attacks against host systems through container vulnerabilities.

Q 2. How can I ensure the security of my Docker images?

Use trusted sources for your base images. Build your images from a trusted source - update them regularly so any vulnerabilities are patched. Do not include sensitive things like passwords and API keys within an image. Use scanning tools to check your image for potential CVEs and sign your images to ensure their integrity.

Q 3. What are some best practices for securely running Docker containers?

Run the containers according to the least privilege principle: only permit actions for what is required. Avoid running containers as root whenever possible. Configure network access very carefully at the level of opened ports and use firewalls to restrict traffic. Monitor the activity of containers and any suspicious behavior in their logs.

Q 4. Should I worry about Docker containers impacting the security of my host system?

While containers create isolation, they are not safe from potential threats. For example, in some cases, a malicious code running in a container could leverage some vulnerability in the Docker engine or the host kernel to break out of the container and into the host system. Keep your installation of Docker and your host operating system up to date with the latest security patches to keep this risk minimal.

Q 5. Are there any specific security tools or practices recommended for Docker?

Yes, there are quite several tools and practices that could make Docker security better. Use image scanning tools, such as Clair or Trivy, to detect vulnerabilities. You may want to apply additional tools like AppArmor or SELinux, to enforce a tighter security policy on the containers - review, and audit Docker configurations for potential misconfigurations regularly. Stay updated with Docker security updates and advisories to resolve emerging threats promptly.
