CSS - References

This comprehensive reference for web developers includes a list of all the CSS properties specified in the recommended specification for Cascading Style Sheets, by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Following is the list of all CSS properties arranged alphabetically.


Property Description
accent-color Sets a highlight color for controls on user interfaces.
align-content Specifies how the flex lines are distributed inside a flex container along it's cross-axis or grid's block-axis.
align-items Describes how objects inside a flexible container should be aligned.
align-self Defines how selected objects inside a flexible container should be aligned.
all Resets all the properties except unicode-bidi and direction.
animation Applies animation between styles. Shorthand for all the animation properties.
animation-delay Defines a pause before an animation begins.
animation-direction Specifies whether an animation should play in reverse, forward, or alternating cycles.
animation-duration Indicates the amount of time an animation should take to finish one cycle.
animation-fill-mode Defines the styles to be applied on the target element before and after the animation.
animation-iteration-count Defines how many times an animation should be played.
animation-name Gives the @keyframes animation a name.
animation-play-state Specifies whether an animation is running or paused.
animation-timing-function Gives an animation's speed curve specifications.
aspect-ratio Defines an element's desired aspect ratio.


Property Description
backdrop-filter Defines a visual impact on the space behind an element.
backface-visibility Specifies whether an element's back face should be revealed when facing the user.
background Shorthand property for all background style properties.
background-attachment Determines if a background picture is fixed or gets scrolled with the page.
background-blend-mode Sets the way the background images get blended with each other and with it's background color.
background-clip Defines the extension of the background within an element.
background-color Defines the color of an element's background.
background-image Sets the background image for an element.
background-origin Describes the location of a background image's origin.
background-position Sets the starting position of the background image.
background-position-x Sets the position of the background image on the x-axis.
background-position-y Sets the position of the background image on the y-axis.
background-repeat Determines whether and how a background image should be repeated.
background-size Defines the dimensions of the background image.
border Sets the border of an element.
border-block Shorthand for setting the logical block border property values.
border-block-color Defines the color of the borders in the block direction at the start and end.
border-block-end Shorthand property for setting the logical block end border properties.
border-block-end-color Defines the color of the logical block-end border of an element.
border-block-end-style Defines the style of the logical block-end border of an element.
border-block-end-width Defines the width of the logical block-end border of an element.
border-block-start Shorthand property for setting the logical block-start border properties.
border-block-start-color Defines the color of the logical block-start border of an element.
border-block-start-style Defines the style of the logical block start border of an element.
border-block-start-width Defines the width of the logical block-start border of an element.
border-block-style Defines the style of the logical block borders of an element.
border-block-width Defines the width of the logical block borders of an element.
border-bottom Shorthand property sets the element's bottom border.
border-bottom-color Sets the color of an element's bottom border.
border-bottom-left-radius Rounds the bottom-left corner of an element.
border-bottom-right-radius Rounds the bottom-right corner of an element.
border-bottom-style Sets the style of the bottom border.
border-bottom-width Sets the width of the bottom border.
border-collapse Specifies whether the borders of a table should be divided or collapsed into a single border.
border-color Sets the color of the border(s).
border-end-end-radius Defines a logical border radius on an element.
border-end-start-radius Defines a logical border radius on an element.
border-image Sets an image as border to an element.
border-image-outset Defines how much of the border image area goes outside of the border box.
border-image-repeat Specifies whether the border image should be stretched, rounded, or repeated.
border-image-slice Divides the border image into regions.
border-image-source Defines the path to the image that will be used as the border.
border-image-width Sets the width of the border image.
border-inline Shorthand property for setting the individual logical inline border property values.
border-inline-color Defines the color of the logical inline borders of an element.
border-inline-end Shorthand property for setting the logical inline-end border property values.
border-inline-end-color Sets the color of the logical inline-end border.
border-inline-end-style Sets the style of the logical inline-end border.
border-inline-end-width Sets the width of the logical inline-end border.
border-inline-start Shorthand property for setting the logical inline-start border property values.
border-inline-start-color Sets the color of the logical inline-start border.
border-inline-start-style Sets the style of the logical inline-start border.
border-inline-start-width Sets the width of the logical inline-start border.
border-inline-style Defines the style of the logical inline borders of an element.
border-inline-width Defines the width of the logical inline borders of an element.
border-left Shorthand for setting all the properties of the left border of an element.
border-left-color Defines the color of the left border of an element.
border-left-style Defines the style of the left border of an element.
border-left-width Defines the width of the left border of an element.
border-radius Rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge.
border-right Shorthand for setting all the properties of the right border of an element.
border-right-color Defines the color of the right border of an element.
border-right-style Defines the style of the right border of an element.
border-right-width Defines the width of the right border of an element.
border-spacing Defines a distance between borders of adjacent cells in a table.
border-start-end-radius Defines a logical border radius on an element, between the block-start and inline-end sides.
border-start-start-radius Defines a logical border radius on an element, between the block-start and inline-start sides.
border-style Sets the line style for all four sides of an element's border.
border-top Shorthand property setting all the properties of the top border of an element.
border-top-color Defines the color of the top border.
border-bottom-left-radius Rounds the top-left corner of an element.
border-top-right-radius Rounds the top-right corner of an element.
border-top-style Sets the line style of top border of an element.
border-top-width Sets the width of top border of an element.
border-width Sets the width of an element's border.
bottom Sets the vertical position of an element.
box-decoration-break Defines how an element's border and background will behave during page breaks or, in the case of inline elements, at line breaks.
box-shadow Adds a shadow effect around an element.
box-sizing Sets the way, the total width and height of an element is calculated.
break-after Defines whether the given element should be followed by a page, column, or region break.
break-before Defines whether a region, page, or column break should come before the given element.
break-inside Defines if the given element should have a page, column, or region break inside of it.


Property Description
caption-side Defines where a table caption should be positioned.
caret-color Defines the color of the editable cursor (caret) in text areas, input fields, and other elements.
@charset Provides details about the character encoding that the style sheet uses.
clear Defines the behavior of the element next to a floating element.
clip Clips an element that is precisely positioned.
clip-path Creates a clipping region that sets the part of the element to be shown.
color Defines the foreground color of a text.
column-count Defines the number of columns into which an element should be divided.
column-fill Controls an element's contents and break it into columns.
column-gap Defines the size of the gap that exists between the columns.
column-rule Shorthand property for setting the color, style, and width of the line drawn in between columns.
column-rule-color Defines the color of the rule that appears between columns.
column-rule-style Defines the rule's style in between columns.
column-rule-width Defines how wide the rule should be between columns.
column-span Defines the number of columns that an element should span across.
column-width Defines the width of the column.
columns Shorthand property for setting the width and count of columns.
content Replaces content with a generated value.
counter-increment Used to increase or decrease the value of named CSS counters.
counter-reset Creates named CSS counters and initializes a specific value to them.
counter-set Sets a given value to a CSS counter.
cursor Defines the mouse pointer that will be displayed when pointing at an item.


Property Description
direction Sets the direction of the text, table columns, and horizontal overflow.
display Defines the display method for a certain HTML element.


Property Description
empty-cells Defines whether borders and backgrounds to be shown on empty cells in a table.


Property Description
filter Applies graphical effects to an element.
flex Shorthand property that sets whether a flex item will grow or shrink.
flex-basis Defines the starting length of a flexible object.
flex-direction Defines the flexible elements' direction in a flex container.
flex-flow Shorthand property for specifying the direction and wrapping behavior of a flex container.
flex-grow Defines the extent that the item will grow in comparison to the others.
flex-shrink Defines the shrinking of the item in relation to the others.
flex-wrap Defines if the flexible elements need to be wrapped or not.
float Places an element on left or right side of its container.
font Shorthand property for setting all the font related properties.
@font-face A rule that allows websites to download and utilize fonts other than the web-safe fonts.
font-family Defines the text's font family.
font-feature-settings Gives users command over OpenType fonts' sophisticated typographic capabilities.
font-kerning Determines how the kerning information, the spacing between letters, is used.
font-language-override Determines how glyphs, unique to a certain language, are used in a font.
font-size Determines the font size of the text.
font-size-adjust Preserves text readability in the event of a font fallback.
font-strech Selects the standard, condensed, or expanded face of a font.
font-style Sets the text's font style.
font-synthesis Determines whether or not the browser should synthesize a style that are missing in a font-family.
font-variant Sets all the font variants for a font.
font-variant-alternate Controls the use of alternate glyphs.
font-variant-caps Controls the use of alternate glyphs used for small capitals.
font-variant-east-asian Regulates the use of alternate glyphs for East Asian scripts, such as Chinese and Japanese.
font-variant-ligatutes Regulates the usage of contextual forms and ligatures.
font-variant-numeric Regulates the use of different glyphs for ordinal markers, fractions, and integers.
font-variant-position Regulates the use of smaller alternate glyphs that are positioned as superscript or subscript.
font-weight Specifies the weight of a font.


Property Description
gap Shorthand property that sets the gaps for the rows and columns.
grid Shorthand property for setting all grid related properties in one declaration.
grid-area Shorthand property specifying the grid item's size and location inside a grid.
grid-auto-columns Defines the default size of a column.
grid-auto-flow Defines the grid's auto-placed item insertion process.
grid-auto-rows Defines the default row size.
grid-column Shorthand property specifying the grid item's size and location inside a grid column.
grid-column-end Defines the end point of the grid item within grid column.
grid-column-start Defines the start point of the grid item within grid column.
grid-row Shorthand property specifying the grid item's size and location inside a grid row.
grid-row-end Specifies the end point of grid item within grid row.
grid-row-gap Defines the gap between rows in terms of size.
grid-row-start Specifies the start point of grid item within grid row.
grid-template Shorthand property specifying properties related to grid columns, grid rows and grid areas.
grid-template-areas Defines named grid items and their use in displaying columns and rows.
grid-template-columns Defines the number of and what size columns are there in a grid layout.
grid-template-rows Defines the size of the rows in a grid layout.


Property Description
height Defines an element's height.
hyphens Defines how to divide words to enhance text layout.
hyphenate-character Sets the character that will be used before a hyphenation break at the end of the line.


Property Description
image-rendering Defines the kind of image scaling approach to be used.
@import Facilitates the importing of one style sheet into another.
inline-size Defines the horizontal and vertical size of an element's block.
inset Indicates the distance an element is from its parent element.
inset-block Defines the logical block start and end offsets of an element.
inset-block-end Defines the logical block end offsets of an element.
inset-block-start Defines the logical block start offsets of an element.
inset-inline Defines the logical start and end offsets of an element in the inline direction.
inset-inline-end Defines the distance, measured in the inline direction, between an element's end and its parent element.
inset-inline-start Defines the distance, measured in the inline direction, between an element's start and it's parent element.
isolation Defines if a new stacking content must be created by an element.


Property Description
justify-content Defines how space is distributed between and around content items in a flex and grid container.
justify-items Defines how grid elements should be aligned along the horizontal axis within a grid container.
justify-self Defines how a grid item should be aligned in the inline direction that resides within a grid container.


Property Description
@keyframes Defines a set of keyframes for animations or transitions.


Property Description
left Defines the horizontal position of an element.
letter-spacing Sets the horizontal spacing between text characters.
line-break Defines if and how to break lines of East Asian scripts.
line-height Defines the height of a line box.
list-style Shorthand property to set all the list style properties in single declaration.
list-style-image Sets an image as the list item marker.
list-style-position Sets the position of the marker in a list.
list-style-type Defines the kind of list item marker.


Property Description
margin Shorthand property to set the margins on all four sides of an element.
margin-block Shorthand property defining the logical block start and end margins for an element.
margin-block-end Defines the logical block end margin of an element.
margin-block-start Defines the logical block start margin of an element.
margin-bottom Sets the margin area on the bottom of an element.
margin-block-start Defines the logical block start margin of an element.
margin-inline Defines the logical inline start and end margins of an element.
margin-inline-end Defines the logical inline end margin of an element.
margin-inline-start Defines the logical inline strat margin of an element.
margin-left Sets the margin area on the left side of an element.
margin-right Sets the margin area on the right side of an element.
margin-top Sets the margin on the top side of an element.
mask Masks or clips the image at particular points to hide an element (partially or completely).
mask-clip Determines the area covered by a mask.
mask-composite Displays the mask layers that are below the current mask layer after a compositing operation is performed.
mask-image Sets an image to be used as an element's mask layer.
mask-mode Defines whether the mask reference given by mask-image should be considered as a luminance or alpha mask.
mask-origin Defines the origin of the mask image.
mask-position Defines the positioning of a mask image within an element.
mask-repeat Defines how a mask image should be repeated within an element.
mask-size Defines the size of a mask image applied to an element using the mask-image property.
mask-type Sets an SVG <mask> element as a luminance or an alpha mask.
max-height Sets an upper bound on the height of an element.
max-width Sets an upper bound on the width of an element.
@media Sets CSS style rules for specific media types, devices, and sizes.
max-block-size Sets the maximum size of an element in the opposite direction to its writing direction.
max-inline-size Defines the horizontal or vertical maximum size of an element's block.
min-block-size Sets the minimum size, either horizontally or vertically of an element's block based on its writing mode.
min-inline-size Defines the minimum horizontal or vertical size of an element's block.
min-height Sets a lower bound on the height of an element.
min-width Sets a lower bound on the width of an element.
mix-blend-mode Defines how the element's content should blend with the content of its parent and the element's background.


Property Description
object-fit Defines how an image or video should be resized or cropped to fit within its container.
object-position Defines the position of the content inside an element that has a defined size.
offset Shorthand property that makes it easier for an element to animate along a certain path.
offset-anchor Defines the moving position of an element inside a box traveling along an offset-path.
offset-distance Defines the position along an offset-path where an element should be placed.
offset-path Defines an element's path inside its parent container or SVG coordinate system.
offset-rotate Defines the orientation or direction of an element as it moves along the specified offset-path.
opacity Sets the transparency of an element.
order Defines the order in which flex items appear within a flex container.
orphans Defines the minimum number of lines required at the bottom of a page, region, or column to prevent a break.
outline Sets the width, color, and style of an outline around an element.
outline-color Sets the color of an outline around an element.
outline-offset Defines the space between an outline and the border edge of an element.
outline-style Determines the style of an outline around an element.
outline-width Defines the width of the outline around an element.
overflow Defines how to handle content that overflows the boundaries of its container.
overflow-anchor Provides a way to disable the browser's scroll anchoring behavior, which adjusts scroll position to reduce content shifting.
overflow-wrap Allows the browser to split a line of text into an unbreakable string to keep the content from overflowing its container.
overflow-clip-margin Defines the distance that content can overflow the element's box before being clipped.
overflow-x Defines that an element's content will overflow to its left and right margins, as well as horizontally.
overflow-y Defines how the content of a block-level element is displayed when it exceeds the element's top and bottom edges.
overflow-block Defines how the content of an element behaves when it exceeds the left and right boundaries of its box.
overflow-inline Defines how overflowing content is displayed when it overflows the inline edges of an element.
overscroll-behavior Determines what a browser does when the boundary of a scrolling area is reached.
overscroll-behavior-block Determines how the browser behaves when the block direction border of a scrolling region is reached.
overscroll-behavior-inline Determines how the browser behaves when the inline direction border of a scrolling region is reached.
overscroll-behavior-x Determines what a browser does when the horizontal boundary of a scrolling area is reached.
overscroll-behavior-y Determines what a browser does when the vertical boundary of a scrolling area is reached.


Property Description
padding Shorthand property that defines the padding for all sides of an element.
padding-block Determines the logical block start and end padding of an element.
padding-block-end Determines the logical block end padding of an element.
padding-block-start Sets the width of the padding on the bottom of an element.
padding-bottom Sets the width of the padding on the bottom of an element.
padding-inline Determines the logical inline start and end padding of an element.
padding-inline-end Determines the logical inline end padding of an element.
padding-inline-start It is used to create custom counter styles.
padding-left Sets the padding space on the left side of an element.
padding-right Sets the padding space on the right side of an element.
padding-top Sets the padding space on the top side of an element.
perspective Defines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user.
perspective-origin Defines the position at which viewer / user is looking.
place-content Aligns content in both the block (column) and inline (row) axes simultaneously.
place-items Aligns the items within the grid and flexbox container along both the block (column) and inline (row) axes.
place-self Aligns the individual items in both block and inline directions simultaneously.
pointer-events Determines whether or not an element receive pointer events.
position Defines the position of an element on a web page.


Property Description
quotes Defines the style of quotation marks to be used for embedded quotes.


Property Description
resize Defines if and how a user can resize an element.
right Controls the horizontal position of an element
rotate Defines the way an element rotates.
row-gap Defines the gap between the grid rows.


Property Description
scale Specifies the scale transformation of elements, independent of transform property.
scroll-behavior Defines how smoothly the browser scrolls when a user clicks on a link or uses the scroll bar.
scroll-margin Defines the margin of an element within the snap area.
scroll-margin-block Shorthand property that defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the block axis.
scroll-margin-block-end Defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the end of the block axis.
scroll-margin-block-start Defines the margin of the scroll snap area at the start of the block axis.
scroll-margin-bottom Defines the margin at the bottom of a scrolling container.
scroll-margin-inline Sets the scroll margin of an element in the line (horizontal axis) dimension.
scroll-margin-inline-end Defines the margin for the scroll snap region at the end of the horizontal dimension.
scroll-margin-inline-start Defines the margin for the scroll snap area at the start of the horizontal dimension.
scroll-margin-bottom Defines the bottom margin of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-margin-left Defines the left margin of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-margin-top Defines the top margin of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-margin-right Defines the right margin of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-padding Defines the scroll padding between the edge of the scroll container and the area of an element that snaps into place once scrolling stops.
scroll-padding-block Defines the scroll padding of an element in the block dimension.
scroll-padding-block-start Defines the offsets for the start edge of the scroll padding of an element in the block dimension.
scroll-padding-block-end Defines the offsets for the end edge of the scroll padding of an element in the block dimension.
scroll-padding-bottom Defines the bottom offset of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-padding-left Defines the amount of space between the left edge of the scroll container and the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-padding-right Defines the amount of space between the right edge of the scroll container and the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-padding-top Defines the top offset of the scroll snap area of an element.
scroll-padding-inline Defines the scroll padding of an element in the inline dimension.
scroll-padding-inline-start Defines the offsets for the start edge of the scrollport, in the inline dimension.
scroll-padding-inline-end Defines the offsets for the end edge of the scrollport, in the inline dimension.
scroll-snap-align Defines how a snapped element is positioned within its snap container.
scroll-snap-shot Determines whether the scroll container will scroll past or stick to the nearest snap positions.
scroll-snap-type Defines how the scroll container snaps to snap positions.
scrollbar-color Defines the color of the scrollbar track and thumb.
scrollbar-width Used to style the width of scrollbar track and thumb.
scrollbar-gutter It helps to create a fixed space for the scrollbar.
shape-image-threshold Specifies the alpha channel threshold for shape extraction when using an image with the shape-outside property.
shape-margin Defines the margin around a specified CSS shape.
shape-outside Defines a shape around which inline content should wrap.


Property Description
tab-size Defines the width of tab characters within an element.
table-layout Defines the way the <table> cells, rows, and columns are displayed.
text-align Defines the alignment of the text with the margin of the page.
text-align-last Sets the way the last line of a block or a line, just before a forced line break, is aligned.
text-combine-upright Defines how to fit several characters into a single character's area.
text-decoration Defines the decoration added to text.
text-decoration-color Defines the color of the text decoration.
text-decoration-line Used to add a decoration line to the text.
text-decoration-style Used to add style to the text decoration line.
text-decoration-thickness Used to add thickness to the text decoration line.
text-emphasis Shorthand property that is used to add emphasis to text.
text-emphasis-color Used to set the color of the emphasis marks around a text.
text-emphasis-position Used to set the position of the emphasis mark around a text.
text-emphasis-style Defines the appearance of emphasis marks.
text-indent Defines the indentation of the first line of the text.
text-orientation Defines the orientation of text characters in a line.
text-overflow Controls how hidden overflow content is displayed to users.
text-shadow Used to add a shadow effect to text.
text-transform Change the appearance of text by transforming it in various ways.
text-underline-offset Defines the distance of an underline text decoration line from its initial position.
text-underline-position Defines where the underlining text decoration should be positioned.
top Defines vertical position of an element relative to its containing element.
transform It is useful in rotation, scaling, skewing, or translation of an element.
transform-box Defines the layout box to which transformation properties relate.
transform-origin Helps in setting the origin for the transformation of an element.
transform-style Defines the 3D space rendering of nested items.
transition A property that works as a shorthand for every transition property.
transition-delay Defines the amount of time to wait before starting a transition effect
transition-duration Defines the amount of time that a transition animation should take to complete.
transition-property Defines which CSS properties should have a transition effect applied.
transition-timing-function Defines the transition effect's speed curve.
translate Allows you to move an element along the X, Y, and Z axes.


Property Description
unicode-bidi Controls how bidirectional text is displayed in a document.
user-select Determines if text can be selected by the user.


Property Description
vertical-align Defines an element's vertical alignment.
visibilty Defines if an element needs to be shown or hidden without changing the layout of a document.


Property Description
white-space Defines the white space flow inside the text in an element.
widows Defines how many lines a page or column must have left at the top.
width Defines the width of an element's content area.
word-break Defines how words should be broken or wrapped in case they exceed the available width of an element.
word-spacing Defines the space between the words in a text.
writing-mode Defines if text should be displayed vertically or horizontally.


Property Description
z-index Controls the stacking order of elements in web page.