Effective Communication Methods

For any business professional, his attitude has a very important role to play in how his message is interpreted. A shy or bored attitude might give the information that the message doesn’t have any importance or you are not serious about delivering the message. A positive, enthusiastic, and open-minded attitude from the speaker brings the focus of the listeners back to him.

Evaluating Your Communication

It is important to keep a check on how your communication is being perceived. Is the right message getting passed in the right manner to the right person? If your communication is informal, and the message was informal in nature too, then the person who delivers it can present it in his own words, knowing fully well that the message is obtuse (slow to understand) in nature.

However, if it is a formal conversation, then the communication needs to be in a structured and polished way. Any evaluation on communication needs to see if there have been any appreciable improvements in the following areas −

  • Increased awareness
  • Better knowledge
  • Improved skills
  • More participants and more enquiries
  • Larger response rates
  • Changes in behavior
  • Increased media coverage

How Managers use Effective Communication Techniques

Managers already have a good insight on significance of good communication in their journey to become a great manager. Leaders are excellent in communication skills while communicating with everybody, rather than communicating only within business world. This is a result of setting definite and specific goals and objectives.


Good leaders can convey a clear picture of their vision as they wish. Furthermore, they provide a clear cut understanding about their goals and objectives to their subordinates. They constantly go on conveying their ideologies and co-relate them to every accomplishment and achievements.

Leaders are also very approachable in nature. They know how important it is for their team members to approach them to find solutions of various problems. A great deal of time is spent on honing and harnessing interpersonal skills by some of greatest leaders. It is their emphasis on development of their people that as an outcome makes others open to them. Because of this style of consistent interaction, leaders get regular, timely, and applicable information.

By being a great communicator, managers can encourage open communication among others. When managers communicate, remember that all of players on a team, including managers, are equals; managers just each have different roles and responsibilities.

Excellent Listeners

For being one of the best when it comes to communication, managers, at first should be good listeners. Great leaders possess great ability to listen, putting emphasis not only on just one person they are speaking to, but also on accepting and analysing ideas and messages coming from other members of the teams.

Good listening leads to great learning. Leaders who are good listeners tend to learn about various positives and negatives, limitations and resources of organization as well as of their teams on contrary to just the thoughts of a few members.


Good managers speak, better managers listen. The team members will listen to what their managers say. You should never demand an excess of anything from any manager’s co-workers and subordinates. But at the same time, should also notice that, the key to overcome shortcomings of others lies inside these managers only.
