Cultivating a Distinct Style of Speech

While checking for the delivery style of a message, people need to realize that an effective message needs to be delivered in a to-the-point manner. It must be clear from the audiences’ viewpoint and is relevant to the audience, and fits into their scheme of goals and achievements. The most effective method is to get the facts and the delivery checked by some third-party before delivering it. Be ready with some key messages, so that you can deliver them whenever there is a need to change stance and adapt to the topic.

These Power Phrases or Info Nuggets are extremely important in meetings where availability of time is of special concern, such as a meeting with the CEO on a short notice, etc. They save time and put the point across in a concise manner. This is particularly useful if you want to communicate within a very short-timescale or in an unexpected situation. For example, a meeting with the CEO at a short notice or making a funding bid with a short deadline.

Power Phrases

While making cases on specific issues, it is always better to check the facts and get them verified well in advance to avoid any social blunders while delivering the speech. This provides you a sense of confidence and reliability when you speak. People should have enough confidence on what you speak, so that they can use the same transcript and quote the numbers and facts when they discuss the topic with others.
