Business Communication Strategies - Types

Some of the best managers realize that a business opportunity need not always come inside a meeting room or a conference hall, but can come during an informal chat inside an elevator or even at a social function. Such managers are always prepared with a bouquet speech that helps people identify their pitch. Conversations of such nature can take place between different sets of people. Let us identify a few such cases −

Communication Between Service-People and the Customers

Customers are clearly aware of the services that are being offered to them these days. They are smart enough to realize the value for money, which they are getting for their purchases.

This is very important for service providers, especially in today’s age of online marketing. This calls for all companies to have a personal communication channel with each one of their customers so that they can leave a lasting positive impression.

Communication Between Your Service and the Depositors

Depositors are the people who lodge a substantial amount of their earnings with various service providers like brokers and stock exchange guys. They like to stay in the loop on how their collections are being used and how their assets are being re-valued.

This constant communication keeps them secure and relaxed about the prospects of their investment. This leads to a lasting client relationship, as well as opens the door for marketing of newer products and services. These depositors might like to invest more or provide new references if they are satisfied in their dealings and interactions with you.

Communication Between Your Service and the Funders


People who are into funding and investments will realize that the potential investors are understandably finicky about trusting someone who they consider a “stranger” with their money. It is only through a good one-to-one communication that such investors can be assured of a good return on their investment.

Keeping them informed and expressing gratitude for doing business with your organization will make them invest more with lesser worries and questions. Finally, the transparency in communication helps them in explaining legalities and other formalities to the clients.

Communication between Your Service and Other Partner Services

When your service has partnered with other service providers, it is your responsibility to ensure a win-win agreement with them.

In these cases, with proper dialogue and encouragement, partnerships are known to embark on business plans that they were not individually capable to start. This brings progress and prosperity to both the parties.

Communication between Your Service and Directors or Trustees

People at the top of the organization are the ones responsible for drawing the mission statement and vision for the organization. Once they are done with their responsibilities, they expect the managers to help them realize their dreams.

This also involves constant and clear communication with the higher officials as they need to be kept aware of the development, issues and roadblocks, if any. They will also be able to assist through their experience and knowledge of the business.

Communication between the Co-Workers in the Service

Communication can help employees have a clear understanding of organizational and personal goals, which is the reason behind many effective measures and successes in the workforce.

This is especially of value in startups or medium-scale organizations where employee strength is limited and the employees are expected to be versatile enough to take upon multiple responsibilities as s team.

Communication Between Managers and Employees

Managers are goal-driven in their working manner and they bear the responsibility to ensure that proper numbers are put on the board. That is the reason they always respect simple and precise communication and value exact information.

The Managers want and like people who have a sense of involvement in the working process and those who feel it is more of a responsibility than a job to deliver on their expectations. They always prefer people who take ownership of issues and finish jobs properly.
