NumPy - left_shift

The numpy.left_shift() function shifts the bits in binary representation of an array element to the left by specified positions. Equal number of 0s are appended from the right.

For example,

import numpy as np 

print 'Left shift of 10 by two positions:' 
print np.left_shift(10,2) 
print '\n'  

print 'Binary representation of 10:' 
print np.binary_repr(10, width = 8) 
print '\n'  

print 'Binary representation of 40:' 
print np.binary_repr(40, width = 8)  
# Two bits in '00001010' are shifted to left and two 0s appended from right.

Its output is as follows −

Left shift of 10 by two positions:

Binary representation of 10:

Binary representation of 40: