HTML - shape Attribute

HTML shape attribute is used to specify an area's shape. It is used with the cords attribute to specify an area's size, shape, and placement.


<area shape=" rect | circle " cords=" ">

Applies on

Below-listed element allows the use of the HTML shape attribute.

Element Description
<area> HTML <area> tag specifies the areas of the image, mapping that can be clicked on or are active areas that are linked to by hyperlinks.

Examples of HTML shape attribute

Below examples will illustrate the HTML shape attribute, where and how we should use this attribute!

Clickable image map with rectangular shape

On running the below code, the output window will display the clickable rectangle on the webpage. when the user clicks on the rectangle, it further displays another rectangle.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> HTML shape Attribute in area tag</title>

    <h2>HTML shape Attribute in area tag</h2>
    <p>Click on the below rectangle to see another rectangle.</p>
    <img src=
         usemap="#shapemap" />
    <map name="shapemap">
    <area shape="rect" 
            coords="100, 20, 250, 80" 


Clickable image map with circular shape

On running the below code, the output window will display the clickable circle on the webpage. when the user clicks on the circle, it further displays another circle.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> HTML shape Attribute in area tag</title>

    <h2>HTML shape Attribute in area tag</h2>
    <p>Click on the circle below to see another circle.</p>
    <img src=
         usemap="#shapemap" />
    <map name="shapemap">
    <area shape="circle" coords="100, 100, 25" 


Supported Browsers

Attribute Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
shape Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes