HTML - reversed Attribute

HTML reversed attribute reverses the list items so that the marks or numbers show in the reverse sequence.

For instance, the first list item in an ordered list with the reversed attribute will have the highest number, and the subsequent list items will have decreasing values. This attribute can be helpful when you want to show a countdown or sort items by decreasing value. It's a useful feature for making lists with reversed numbering for particular use cases.


<ol reversed />

Applies on

Below-listed element allows the use of the HTML reversed attribute.

Element Description
<ol> HTML <ol> tag is used to create an ordered list. The default order of the ordered list is numerical.

Examples of HTML reversed attribute

Below examples will illustrate the HTML reversed attribute, where and how we should use this attribute!

Reverse number list Elements

when we run the below code, the list elements get numbering in descending order.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title>HTML reversed Attribute</title>

   <h2>The ol reversed attribute</h2>
   <ol reversed>
      The reversed attribute of the ol tag 
      is not supported in Edge prior version 79.


Reverse uppercase roman numbers list Elements

when we run the below code, the list elements get roman numbering in descending order.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title> HTML reversed Attribute</title>

   <h2>The ol reversed attribute</h2>
   <ol reversed type="I" start="10">
      The reversed attribute of the ol tag 
      is not supported in Edge prior version 79.


Reverse uppercase alphabet list Elements

when we run the below code, the list elements get uppercase alphabetical numbering in descending order.

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <title> HTML reversed Attribute</title>

   <h2>The ol reversed attribute</h2>
   <ol reversed type="A" start="3">
      The reversed attribute of the ol tag 
      is not supported in Edge prior version 79.


Supported Browsers

Attribute Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
reversed Yes 18.0 Yes 79.0 Yes 18.0 Yes 6.0 Yes 12.1