HTML - <cite> Tag

HTML <cite> tag is used to mark up the title of a cited creative work. It provides a reference or title to a creative work, quoted content, books, a website, a research paper, a blog spot, a painting, etc. The content written between <cite> tag renders in the italic form on the browser, and it can be overridden using CSS in your HTML document.




HTML cite tag supports Global and Event attributes of HTML.

Examples of HTML cite Tag

In the bellow examples we will see the usage of cite element, we will witness the normal impact of cite tag how text looks without any extra styling. In the other example we will decorate the cite element according to our need.

Specifying cite Element

In the following example, we’re creating an HTML document and using the <cite> tag to define the image. It will generate an output consisting of the image along with a text displayed on the webpage.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <img src=
"" />
      <p>This logo Created by the <cite>Tutorialspoint</cite>

Styling cite Element using internal CSS

Considering the another scenario, where we are going to use the cite tag with interna CSS styling.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        border: 1px solid lightgray;
        padding: 3px;
        border-radius: 5px;
        background-color: gray;
        margin: 2px;
        <h2>TutorialsPoint Pvt Ltd</h2>
        <figcaption>Fist Choice on Tutorials:<cite>
         <a href="">TutorialsPoint</a>
      </cite>Simply Easy Learning </figcaption>


Supported Browsers

Tag Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
cite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes