Characteristics of Smart Grid

Smart grids use automated control systems and modern communication technologies to improve the reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of the power supply system. It became possible due to the following characteristics of the smart grid −

  • Smart grids are self-tuning and self-healing
  • Smart grids promote consumer engagement
  • Smart grids are compatible with a wide range of energy resources
  • Smart grids promote innovation
  • Smart grids create high-quality energy supply system
  • Smart grids provide improved safety features

Read this chapter to get a clear understanding of these important characteristics of a smart grid and how they play a critical role in the energy supply system.

Smart Grids are self-tuning and self-healing

Self-tuning is the very first characteristic of smart grid that separates it from the traditional electric grid. Self-tuning is nothing but the property of the smart grid by virtue of which the system can perform fast diagnosis and isolation of a fault in the grid.

This characteristic of smart grid is mainly due to automatic monitoring and control devices equipped into the grid for its continuous monitoring for detecting any abnormal condition. The self-tuning characteristic makes the smart grid to operate in real-time and eliminates several issues.

For example, due to self-tuning, a smart grid can rapidly detect the fault occurring in the grid, isolate the faulty part, and reconfigure the power supply route. All these functions often take place without any human intervention. Therefore, this self-tuning property reduces the power outage duration and cost associated with the operations of the grid.

Overall, we can say that the self-tuning characteristic of smart grid can help in maintaining a high-level of grid reliability and economy.

Smart Grids Promote Consumer Engagement

Another most transformative characteristic of a smart grid is its capability to engage the end users in the power generation and delivery process.

Consumers are provided with real-time data through smart meters and advanced metering infrastructure. Through these technologies, consumers can know their energy utilization pattern and share their insights with the utility company.

This information and real-time data actively engage the consumers in grid optimization process and enables them to make decisions about their energy utilization. This characteristic of smart grid also allows consumers to participate in dynamic pricing and demand response programs.

This involvement of consumers with the electric grid allows them to select a most appropriate energy scheme as per their needs. They can also communicate with the utility companies to get a customized energy supply service to meet their unique energy requirement.

Overall, this bidirectional interaction between consumers and utility companies create a responsive and user-centric energy supply system.

Smart Grids are Compatible with a wide Range of Energy Resources

Smart grids are so flexible that they are compatible with both conventional and renewable energy resources. They can function well with centralized as well as decentralized power generation.

By integrating renewable energy resources into the grid, smart grids can create a more sustainable power system. Apart from decentralized power generation, smart grids also provide facilities to store electrical energy to balance the supply and demand.

This compatibility of smart grids with a diverse range of energy resources provides energy security and reduces the dependence on centralized power plants.

Smart Grids Promote Innovation

Smart grids allow utility companies to integrate advanced technologies like IoT (Internet of Things), artificial intelligence, digital communication, etc. This practice encourages the innovation and development of smart products and services. Further, it results in new business models and services that can be used for creating a more efficient and sustainable energy system.

Additionally, innovation in the field of smart grid offers several other benefits like predictive maintenance, advanced analysis of grid data, better consumer engagement platforms, customized energy service, improved grid operation, etc.

Smart Grids Create high-quality Energy Supply System

High-quality energy supply means an electric power supply with a constant voltage and frequency with variations within the specified limit. This characteristic ensures that the energy supply meets the requirements of sensitive industrial applications like automation systems, data centers, etc.

The smart grid creates a high-quality energy supply and supports critical operations that require a stable power supply. It is also helpful in minimizing damages due to overvoltage or under-voltage conditions and hence the maintenance costs.

Smart Grids Provide Improved Safety Features

Smart grids use modern automated devices that improve the safety and security of the electrical system. The safety features of smart grids can handle both physical and cyber threats.

The advanced metering infrastructure of the smart grid protects the grid against any unauthorized access and physical interferences. Also, if any fault or abnormal condition occurs in the system, the smart grid rapidly detects the issue and isolates the faulty part to minimize the losses and disruptions. This improved safety feature of the smart grid is important for creating a reliable electrical power system and public trust on it.


In this chapter, we highlighted the important characteristics of smart grids in detail. Smart grids are self-tuning; they allow consumer engagement; and they are compatible with diverse energy resources. In addition, smart grids promote technological innovation, create high-quality energy supply, and provide enhanced safety features.

All these characteristics do not exist in the traditional electric grid, but they are essential for creating a reliable and sustainable energy system.
