Arithmetical Reasoning Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Arithmetical Reasoning. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - A man has 20 cows all but 8 died in accident. How many left?

Options :

A - 8

B - 16

C - 20

D - 22

Answer : A


”All but 8 died” means except 8 all died . So, option a is correct.

Q 2 - A has $3 more than B, but then B wins on the horses and trebles his money, so that he now has $2 more than the original amount of money that the two boys had between them. How much money did A and B have before B's win?

Options :

A - $0

B - $6

C - $5

D - $24

Answer : B


Let money with A = x. Then, money with B = x + $3. Now, 3x = (x + x + $3) + $2 x = $5.

Therefore total money with A and B = 2x + $3 = $13.

Q 3 - John walks at a speed of 5kmph for 6hr and at 4km/h for 12hr. Find out the average speed of John.

Options :

A - 41/3

B - 66/2

C - 50/3

D - 29/3

Answer : A


Avg. speed = total distance/total time

= 5 × 6 + 4 × 12 / 18

= 41/3 km/h.

Q 4 - Two friends Ajit and Sujit are working on a project for educational purposes for students between class 6th to 10th. Ajit takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Sujit takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. To type on windows 10, an assignment of 110 pages will be completed by both Ajit and Sujit in how many hours. Two different computers are provided to them.

Options :

A - 5

B - 4

C - 7

D - 8

Answer : D


Only 8 is correct answer, hence, option D is the correct answer.

Q 5 - In Adarsha Bidya Mandira on 26th January Republic Day, snacks packets were to be equally distributed among 175 high school children in that school. But actually on the Republic's Day, thirty five high school students were absent and therefore each student got 4 snacks packets extra. Total how many snacks packets were available for distribution?

Options :

A - 2500

B - 2700

C - 2800

D - 3700

Answer : C


Let each student got x number of packets then, 175x = 140(x+4)

or 35x = 560

or x = 16. So 175 × 16 = 2800.

Q 6 - P and Q can finish a piece of work in 15 and 10 days, Q starts the work and leaves it after 5 days. The number of days in which P can complete the work is

Options :

A - 15/2

B - 22/2

C - 11/7

D - 13/2

Answer : A


Q’s 1 day work = 1/10

Q’s 5 day work = 1/2

Remaining work = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2

Let P completes remaining work in x days, so

1/15 × X = 1/2

X = 15/2

Q 7 - Five bells in Oregon begin to ring together and then each bell rings at different intervals. They ring respectively at intervals of 6, 5, 7, 10 and 12 seconds. In one hour how many times they will ring together if the one at the start is excluded.

Options :

A - 5 times

B - 6 times

C - 7 times

D - 8 times

Answer : D


If LCM will be taken then we can find that they will ring together in every 7 seconds and the number of times they will ring in an hour is 8 times.

Q 8 - Annual sports day at RM College is about a month to go and Abhay and Bijay are preparing for that event. In covering a distance of 30 km, Abhay takes 2 hours more than Binay. If Abhay doubles his speed, then he would take 1 hour less than Binay. Abhay's speed is

Options :

A - 5 km/h

B - 8 km/h

C - 10 km/h

D - 15 km/h

Answer : A


Let Abhay's speed be X km/hr. Then, 30/X - 30/2X = 3 6X = 30 X = 5 km/hr.

Q 9 - Garibrath train runs from Bhubaneswar to Bangalore with a speed of 60 kmph. It overtakes a bridge in 50 seconds whose length is 300m. Find the length of train?

Options :

A - 500

B - 511

C - 522

D - 533

Answer : D


The speed of train in m/s is 60 × 5/18 = 50/3 m/s. Let the length of the train is x m then x + 300 = 50 × 50/3 = 2500/3= 833 m. so x = 833 – 300 = 533 m.

Q 10 - Mr. Das told his son Rinku in a special occasion that, he was of Rinku’s current age when Rinku was born. If Mr Das is 36 now, how old was Rinku five years back?

Options :

A - 14

B - 13

C - 15

D - 19

Answer : B


Let Rinku’s father’s age be x and the Rinku’s age be y.

Then, x – y = y or x = 2y

Now, x = 36. So, 2y = 36 or y = 18.Therefore Rinku’s present age = 18 years. So, Rinku’’s age 5 years ago = 13 years.
