Translation Methods


The maketrans() method returns a mapping table. It maps each character from astr to a character at same index in bstr. The mapping table returned by this method may be used by translate() method to replace the characters.


var.maketrans(astr, bstr, cstr)


  • astr − This can be either dictionary or string. If only one parameter is supplied, this parameter must be a dictionary. If two or more parameters are given, this parameter has to be a string specifying the characters to be replaced.

  • bstr − This is the string having corresponding mapping character.

  • cstr − Optional. The string parameter specifies the characters to remove in the string.

Return Value

This method returns a translate table to be used translate() function.


var = 'Explicit is better than implicit.'
table = var.maketrans({'i':'I'})
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)

var1 = var.translate(table)
print ("Translated string", var1)

var = "Explicit is better than implicit."
table = var.maketrans("than", "then")
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)
var2 = var.translate(table)
print ("Translated string", var2)

var = 'Explicit is better than implicit.'
table = var.maketrans("is","as", "s")
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)
print ("Translated string", var3)

When you run this program, it will produce the following output

original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {105: 'I'}
Translated string ExplIcIt Is better than ImplIcIt.
original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {116: 116, 104: 104, 97: 101, 110: 110}
Translated string Explicit is better then implicit.
original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {105: 97, 115: None}
Translated string Explacat a better than amplacat.


The translate() method returns a string where each character is replaced by its corresponding character in the translation table created by the maketrans() method.




  • table − A translation table created by the maketrans() method.

Return Value

This method returns a translated copy of the string.


var = 'Explicit is better than implicit.'
table = var.maketrans({'i':'I'})
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)

var1 = var.translate(table)
print ("Translated string", var1)

var = "Explicit is better than implicit."
table = var.maketrans("than", "then")
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)
var2 = var.translate(table)
print ("Translated string", var2)

var = 'Explicit is better than implicit.'
table = var.maketrans("is","as", "s")
print ("original string:", var)
print ("translation table:", table)
print ("Translated string", var3)

When you run this program, it will produce the following output

original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {105: 'I'}
Translated string ExplIcIt Is better than ImplIcIt.
original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {116: 116, 104: 104, 97: 101, 110: 110}
Translated string Explicit is better then implicit.
original string: Explicit is better than implicit.
translation table: {105: 97, 115: None}
Translated string Explacat a better than amplacat.