• C Programming Video Tutorials

Near, Far, and Huge Pointers in C

Concepts like near pointers, far pointers, and huge pointers were used in the C programming language to handle segmented memory models. However, these concepts are no longer relevant in modern computing environments with improved CPU architecture.

The idea of near, far, and huge pointers was implemented in 16-bit Intel architectures, in the days of the MS DOS operating system.

Near Pointer

The "near" keyword in C is used to declare a pointer that can only access memory within the current data segment. A near pointer on a 16-bit machine is a pointer that can store only 16-bit addresses.

A near pointer can only access data of a small size of about 64 kb in a given period, which is its main disadvantage. The size of a near pointer is 2 bytes.

Syntax of Near Pointer

<data type> near <pointer definition>
<data type> near <function definition>

The following statement declares a near pointer for the variable "ptr" −

char near *ptr;

Example of Near Pointer

Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   // declaring a near pointer
   int near *ptr;

   // size of the near pointer
   printf("Size of Near Pointer: %d bytes", sizeof(ptr));
   return 0;


It will produce the following output −

Size of Near Pointer: 2 bytes

Far Pointer

A far pointer is a 32-bit pointer that can access information that is outside the computer memory in a given segment. To use this pointer, one must allocate the "sector register" to store data addresses in the segment and also another sector register must be stored within the most recent sector.

A far pointer stores both the offset and segment addresses to which the pointer is differencing. When the pointer is incremented or decremented, only the offset part is changing. The size of the far pointer is 4 bytes.

Syntax of Far Pointer

<data type> far <pointer definition>
<data type> far <function definition>

The following statements declares a far pointer for the variable "ptr" −

char far *s;

Example of Far Pointer

Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int number=50;
   int far *p;

   p = &number;
   printf("Size of far pointer: %d bytes", sizeof(number));

   return 0;


It will produce the following output −

Size of far pointer: 4 bytes

Huge Pointer

A huge pointer has the same size of 32-bit as that of a far pointer. A huge pointer can also access bits that are located outside the sector.

A far pointer is fixed and hence that part of the sector in which they are located cannot be modified in any way; however huge pointers can be modified.

In a huge pointer, both the offset and segment address is changed. That is why we can jump from one segment to another using a huge pointer. As they compare the absolute addresses, you can perform the relational operation on it. The size of a huge pointer is 4 bytes.

Syntax of Huge Pointer

Below is the syntax to declare a huge pointer −

data_type huge* pointer_name;

Example of Huge Pointer

Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int huge* ptr;
   printf("Size of the Huge Pointer: %d bytes", sizeof(ptr));

   return 0;


It will produce the following output −

Size of Huge Pointer: 4 bytes

Pointers to Remember

Remember the following points while working with near, far, and huge pointers −

  • A near pointer can only store till the first 64kB addresses, while a far pointer can store the address of any memory location in the RAM. A huge pointer can move between multiple memory segments.
  • A near pointer can only store addresses in a single register. On the other hand, a far pointer uses two registers to store segment and offset addresses. The size of a near pointer is 2 bytes, while the size of far and huge pointers is 4 bytes.
  • Two far pointer values can point to the same location, while in the case of huge pointers, it is not possible.

The near, far, and huge pointers were used to manage memory access based on segment registers in segmented memory architectures. Modern systems use flat memory models where memory is addressed as a single contiguous space. Modern C compilers provide better memory management techniques that don't rely on segmentation concepts.
