Theme Detection Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Theme Detection. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Government is working hard on implementing new schemes in the commercial sector. Through the implication of online banking and M-wallet system, transparency of the transactions are tried to be maintained. All the government trading is now done online. Systems have been modified so that people can also pay through mobile.

Through this passage, the author is trying to say that;

Options :

A - The government is trying to move towards the E-commerce sector.

B - Internet is important nowadays

C - It is better to do the transactions online.

D - Online banking and M-wallet systems are important for online transactions.

Answer : A


Business transactions done through the Internet is called E-commerce.

Q 2 - Online shopping has changed the face of shopping since the past few years. People are going crazy and buying their stuffs online. It gives them the variety and the ease to choose by sitting comfortably at home. But sometimes they are following some consequences like, not the same colour product as shown on website, not that much good and strong as written etc.

Through this passage, the author is trying to say that;

Options :

A - Online shopping is good

B - Online shopping is bad

C - Nothing can be said

D - People are losing their judging capability

Answer : C


This is because the author is talking about both the positive and negative aspects of online shopping.

Q 3 - Reservations should be there but not as in the present way. Now, people who belong to the general category are the worst sufferers in the job market. A SC category candidate who belongs to a rich family gets the unfair advantage of the caste reservation system over a poor candidate from the general category.

Through this passage, the exact suggestion that the author wants to convey is;

Options :

A - There should not be any reservation system.

B - Reservations should not be there for SC candidates

C - Reservations should be made on the basis of annual income not on the basis of caste.

D - Reservations quota should be increased for General category people.

Answer : C


The comparison of rich and poor says it all.

Q 4 - Online shopping trend has completely changed the face of shopping. Earlier people used to go to the market and visit 3-4 shops before buying any product to ensure that they are investing their money on correct items but now, with a click of button they can get a wide range of products showing their price with pictures.

Through this passage, one thing can be inferred that

Options :

A - Local vendors are going to close their businesses.

B - Online shopping has made shopping easier.

C - People should know the use of Internet to do online shopping.

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Nowhere in the passage it has been mentioned anything like the assumptions given in option A and option C.

Q 5 - Today fashion is following new trends. A lot of people are wasting their time on fashion sites. No matter how hard we try but efforts should be made to prevent youngsters from getting addicted to these websites.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is

Options :

A - Fashion is much needed.

B - We can judge one’s personality by one’s craze about fashion.

C - Fashion is necessary but one should not waste much time in it.

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C best explains the theme of the passage.

Q 6 - If you are working really hard but do not believe that you can actually do it, then you are not going to achieve that task successfully. This is because when you believe, it is the wheel upon which the whole work runs over. A man without belief is no good than an aimless ship in the vast sea.

The statement that supports the passage is

Options :

A - Belief is the wheel upon which every work runs.

B - Never stop believing.

C - Working hard is more important than just to have strong belief.

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option B that best describes the theme of the passage.

Q 7 - A popular Indian automobile company has decided to enter into African market by launching its new product in Kenya. It has also set up an assembly unit for the same in Kenya to foster selling process.

Through this passage, one thing can be concluded:

Options :

A - Indian companies are interested in African market.

B - Africa always encourages companies from different countries.

C - The Indian company is going in loss.

D - Next year some more Indian companies will launch themselves in Africa.

Answer : A


Option A can be concluded from the passage because Africa is a big continent so, India is interested there.

Q 8 - 78 people were buried alive under the ground yesterday evening when 15 storeyed Idrani building collapsed in just a blink of eye in Secunderabad. This was a fivedecade old building structure, built with strong mortar elements in the year 1998.

From the passage, the statement that best supports the theme of the passage is:

Options :

A - The municipality and development authority should be aware about those buildings which are not strong enough to stand because Secunderabad is an old city.

B - All the old buildings must be destroyed.

C - Secunderabad is not safe for visitors.

D - Idrani hotels architecture is not good in our country.

Answer : A


It is the responsibility of development authority and municipality to look for these cases so option A is the answer.

Q 9 - Most people go weak and nerd by the age of 70. But at this old age too, our Big B Amitabh Bachhan is glowing in his young skin. With his each passing B’day, he is becoming more charming and his performance is becoming extravagantly classier.

Options :

A - At older age too skin can glow.

B - At older age too working profession can be managed.

C - None of the above follows.

D - Both A and B

Answer : D


Both the statements A and B are indirectly told in the given statement.

Q 10 - Earlier people used to depend largely on local markets for their daily and commercial needs. To attract more customers, local vendors used to price products at minimum level so that they can sell on large volume. In short, less profit/item with large sale volume was their strategy. Now the same principle is followed by almost every e-commerce players and their booming has doomed maximum local vendor’s market.

Options :

A - Some local vendors are still in competition

B - No local vendors are making as much profit as they used to do before.

C - E-commerce sectors are incapable of developing their own marketing strategy.

D - Less profit/item with large sale volume was a good strategy.

Answer : A


In the passage author has mentioned “maximum local vendor” not “all local vendors” which indicates, there are still some vendors are in competition.
