Analogy Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Analogy. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 1 - ‘Knowledge’ is related to ‘books’ similarly ‘health’ is related to

Options :


B - Forceps

C - Doctor

D - Medicine

Answer : D


Option D is correct because from medicine we get health.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 2 - ‘Polo’ is related to ‘ground’ similarly ‘breast stroke’ is related to

Options :

A - Swimming pool

B - Nest

C - Sky

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because polo is played on ground and breast stroke is played in swimming pool.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 3 - ‘Leg’ is related to ‘walk’ similarly ‘hand’ is related to

Options :

A - Hold

B - Throw

C - Kick

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because with leg we can walk and with hand we can hold anything. With hand we can also throw objects but we don’t throw objects always.

In the following question, choose the option which shows common feature in the relationship given in each question.

Q 4 - Shining plate: mirror: water

Options :

A - All of the above mentioned are white in colour.

B - Light can be reflected from all the above mentioned.

C - All are very costly.

D - We can avail all these anywhere.

Answer : B


Option B is correct because light can be reflected from the given objects.

In the following question, choose the pair/group of words that show the same relationship as given at the top of every pair/group.

Q 5 - Upendra Bhanja : Kabi Samrat

Options :

A - Akbar : prince

B - Bush : president

C - Gangadhar Behera : beautiful

D - Madhusudan Dash : Utkal Gourav

Answer : D


Upendra bhanja is kabi samrat similarly Madhusudan Dash is Utkal Gourav.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 6 - ‘Petrol’ is related to ‘petroleum’ similarly ‘diamond’ is related to

Options :

A - Grey

B - Cola

C - Coal

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C is correct because petrol comes from petroleum similarly diamond comes from coal.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 7 - ‘Chewing teeth’ is related to ‘20’ similarly ‘cutting teeth’ is related to

Options :

A - 4

B - 5

C - 6

D - 8

Answer : D


Option D is correct because there are 20 chewing teeth and 8 cutting teeth.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 8 - ‘Toys’ is related to ‘plastic’ similarly ‘grill’ is related to

Options :

A - Sand

B - Glass

C - Iron

D - None of the above

Answer : C


Option C is correct because toys are normally made up of plastic similarly grill is normally is made up of iron.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 9 - ‘Grapery’ is related to ‘vine-yard’ similarly ‘graphics’ is related to

Options :

A - Lettering

B - Lines

C - Circles

D - None of the above

Answer : A


Option A is correct because graphics means lettering.

In the following question, comparison is made. According to the comparison stated, answer the question.

Q 10 - ‘Bowlers’ are related to ‘ball’ similarly ‘batsmen’ are related to

Options :

A - Field

B - Bat

C - Score

D - None of the above

Answer : B


Option A is correct because a bowlers bowl a ball similarly a batsman bat.
