Statement and Arguments Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Arguments. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 1 - Statement: Should art subjects be removed from the intermediate curriculum?


I. Yes, students are not interested in taking art subjects.

II. No, art contains history, political science like subjects. So, it should not be removed.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Only because students are not interested, we cannot remove an important subject from the curriculum.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 2 - Statement: Should India attack on Pakistan and merge the remaining Kashmir with it?


I. Yes, because Kashmir belongs to India.

II. No, this can cause nuclear war followed by large devastation.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


War is not the ultimate solution. This can cause harm to many innocent people living over the borders.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 3 - Statement: Should sewage water be dumped into the nearby river?


I. Yes it will be easy.

II. No, it will pollute the water and imbalance the water ecological system.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Drainage of water has many options. Dumping into river is not wise as ecological balance will be disturbed.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 4 - Statement: Should capital punishment be abolished from the given law of justice?


I. Yes because this is contradicting human right to live.

II. No there should be fear among people before committing any brutal offense.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : E


Here both the arguments are equally strong enough to support the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 5 - Statement: Should International cricket board stop Twenty 20 matches as it is reducing the quality of cricket?


I. Yes, ICC should focus more upon test cricket as it is the real cricket.

II. No, crowd enjoy more T-20 matches and it can be played simultaneously with Test crickets.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument I is not valid whereas; argument II states solid logic in support of the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 6 - Statement: Should government. hike the tuition fees of engineering students?


I. Yes, hiking fees may bring some seriousness among engineering students and they will study hard to clear paper.

II. No, as these may not allow talented poor students to opt for an engineering career.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument I is irrelevant but II is strong because if fees will be increased then it will force poor good students to choose simple graduation.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 7 - Statement: Should tobacco kills and smoking is injurious essentially appear on tobacco and cigarette products?


I. Yes, this may create awareness for its users and in future they may avoid it.

II. No, it may hamper the selling and affect business a lot.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Argument II is very weak whereas I is strong as it focuses on health of public.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 8 - Statement: Should English be the communication medium between the students and teachers in high school level?


I. Yes, it will help the students to talk in English and get command over language.

II. No, English must be there but it should not be mandatory as we are a sovereign and secular nation.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : E


Both the arguments are strong because English is important for future. At the same time we can’t force students to talk in English only.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 9 - Statement: Can an old person enjoy new movies more than old ones?


I. Yes, new movies are having new stories, drama and action which can be enjoyed a lot.

II. No, generally old persons are addicted to old movies.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


New movies are having new stories but in earlier days movies have generally only one story.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 10 - Statement: Should installation of high chimneys be there at the industries?


I. Yes, it is required to reduce pollution from the root level.

II. No, through this the level of pollution will increase in the upper atmosphere.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


More pollution in the ground level is dangerous to animals and humans residing over here. Hence; argument I is strong.
