Verbal Ability Verbs Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Verbs. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Sonu ... a lot on his car.

A - Spend

B - Spent

C - Spends

D - Spended

Answer : B


This is an action that happened in the past so we will use the past form.

Q 2 - Yesterday I ... my teacher.

A - Met

B - Meet

C - Meets

D - Meeted

Answer : A


This is an action that happened in the past so we will use the past form.

Q 3 - Yesterday, I … the decision to not sleep late.

A - took

B - taked

C - taken

D - tooken

Answer : A


This is an action that happened in the past so we will use the past form.

Q 4 - I ... busy when you called me.

A - am

B - was

C - were

D - is

Answer : B


When we use auxiliary verbs for actions that happened in past time, we use "was" for "I, he, she, it", and "were" for "we, you, they" and nouns respectively.

Q 5 - That ... a lot of fun sliding down the slope! We all enjoyed it!

A - is

B - was

C - are

D - were

Answer : B


When we use auxiliary verbs for actions that happened in the past time, we use "was" for "I, he, she, it", and "were" for "we, you, they" and nouns respectively.

Q 6 - ... that a white leopard?

A - is

B - was

C - are

D - were

Answer : A


When we use auxiliary verbs for actions that happen in present time, we use "am" for "I", "are" for "we, you, they" and "is" for "he, she, it" and nouns respectively.

Q 7 - They ... playing in the sand.

A - is

B - am

C - are

D - were

Answer : C


When we use auxiliary verbs for actions that happen in present time, we use "am" for "I", "are" for "we, you, they" and "is" for "he, she, it" and nouns respectively.

Q 8 - I need to … down. I am tired.

A - Lie

B - Lay

C - Laid

D - lain

Answer : A


"Lie" is used to mention the action of someone or something resting. It is mentioned as "lay" in past form and "lain" with "has, have, had". It is written as "lying" in "ing" form.

Q 9 - I have … for a long time now. I need a walk.

A - lied

B - lay

C - laid

D - lain

Answer : D


"Lie" is used to mention the action of someone or something resting. It is mentioned as "lay" in past form and "lain" with "has, have, had". It is written as "lying" in "ing" form.

Q 10 - The skunk is ... his tail! Run for cover.

A - raising

B - rising

C - rose

D - raised

Answer : A


"Raise" is used to lift an object. It is mentioned as "raised" in past form and with "have, has, had". It is mentioned as "raising" in "ing" form.
