Verbal Ability Pronouns Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Pronouns. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 -I didn't purchase ... at the fair.

A - nothing

B - something

C - everybody

D - anything

Answer : D


"Anything" is used to pick any instance.

Q 2 - I have tried looking for the keys ...

A - everywhere

B - somewhere

C - anywhere

D - nowhere

Answer : A


"Everywhere" is used to mention all the spaces and places.

Q 3 - I met a student of ... today.

A - your

B - yours

C - yourself

D - you

Answer : B


"Mine, yours, theirs" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 4 - It looks complete, but I feel that ... left.

A - Nothing

B - Anything

C - Everything

D - Something

Answer : D


"Someone, somebody, something" is used for a general person or thing.

Q 5 - Mark says that ... is quite slim.

A - They

B - It

C - She

D - You

Answer : C


"He, she, it" use "is/was", "I" uses "am/was", "We, you" use "are/were"

Q 6 - Are ... both are from South Delhi?

A - He

B - It

C - We

D - You

Answer : D


"I, he, you, we, she, they" and similar usages are for people who do the action.

Q 7 - This victory belongs to you. This victory is …

A - Yours

B - Its

C - Ours

D - Your

Answer : A


"Mine, ours, yours, theirs" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 8 - This cycle belongs to my aunt. This cycle is …

A - Her

B - It

C - Hers

D - You

Answer : C


"Mine, hers, yours, theirs" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 9 - We … are to blame for what we have done to the planet.

A - Ourselves

B - Ourself

C - Usselves

D - Usself

Answer : A


“Ourselves” is used when the plural speakers or a speaker representing multiple people is supposed to do something with their own capability.

Q 10 - This way, the dog will learn to ask for … food.

A - It’s

B - Its

C - His

D - His’

Answer : B


“Its” is used to denote ownership of an infant, animal, or non-living thing.
