Twitter Marketing - Defining Strategy

Every marketing activity you perform, from tweeting and texting to cold-calling, should be done for the sole purpose of accomplishing your brand’s end goals. You should have a regular rotation of content that will be discoverable and interesting to the people with related business interests and goals using the approaches above.

What Should I Share on Twitter?

Many of the questions you should be asking yourself when deciding what to share on Twitter that will resonate with your target audience are going to seem obvious −

  • What industries am I targeting?

  • Who needs whatever value I am providing?

  • What are their demographics?

  • What key terms are they searching to solve their problems?

  • Are my customers/clients/community members restricted to a certain geolocation?

Many marketers employ the 80/20 principle when engaging on twitter. 80% of your Tweets should focus on driving interactions with your followers, such as Retweets, replies, and likes. Once you build some rapport, you can mix in direct offers or promotions that get followers to take actions, such as clicking on a link or making a purchase from your website.

Knowing Performance of Tweets

Be aware of how your followers react to your content. Certain tools allow you to track who unfollows you on Twitter. With for example, you can opt to receive daily digests on how people are interacting with you on Twitter, including follows and unfollows. You may not know the exact reason someone unfollowed you, but you may be able to gain insight into the cause.

No matter what social-sharing platform you’re using, it should offer data on how your Tweets are performing. Both Buffer and Hootsuite provide ways to see a quick snapshot of how the Tweets are performing.

Building the Brand on Twitter

If you want real success on Twitter and you want to build your brand on Twitter, there are a few key pointers to employ −

  • Use your brand name as your Twitter name. It may seem obvious, but it needs to be reminded.

  • If branding a company is your topmost priority, use your logo as your Twitter portfolio photo.

  • You should Tweet 10 to 20 times a day to keep your brand name in the Twitter stream.

  • Schedule the Tweets that have links to valuable content and complement that with 10 or so personalized Tweets where you are interacting with other Twitter users.

  • Reply to Everything! Really, everything.

  • Learn to give. To build a strong brand on Twitter you will need to give back as much as you get. Share content from your tweeps, retweet, and favorite relevant content.

  • Follow at least two new people a day.

  • Follow back anyone who followed you. It’s the best way to keep the followers! Click on Followers and then follow anyone in your stream that you are not connected with.

Boosting Business Credibility on Twitter

Your username affects perceptions of the credibility of your message. Research shows that messages coming from topical usernames (PsychologyForGrowth, AllScience) received a higher credibility rating than traditional names (Alex_Brown), and much higher than internet names (tenacious27, crazydog33).

Here are some tips on credibility boosting −

  • Whatever you write in the Bio section of your profile, should reflect your ideas and Tweets that you share. Remember that unfollowing someone takes a lot less decision than to follow someone.

  • Always use a headshot (unless you’re a branded business) of yourself, and try to smile as it helps to convey your personality more.

  • Non-standard grammar is the greatest hampering factor in credibility on Twitter. If you want to be seen as credible, avoid wrtng msgs with shrtr wrds or fewr letrs.

  • People hate being spammed or sold to. Provide real value to your followers by giving away great free content.

  • Answer questions. Write articles. Share videos. Retweet other people’s content that is relevant to your market place. Your followers will recognize your Tweets as valuable and useful to them, and will be much more likely to keep track of your Tweets in the future.

  • Find the other authorities within your niche or related niches and become twitter friends with them. Then become real friends with them. Interacting with the other authorities means you can retweet their content, keep up-to-date with the current trends and paves the way for joint ventures etc.
