SAP IDT Mock Test

This section presents you various set of Mock Tests related to SAP IDT. You can download these sample mock tests at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience. Every mock test is supplied with a mock test key to let you verify the final score and grade yourself.

Questions and Answers


Q 1 - In SAP Business Objects, a derived table is present at Universe level, a view is created at data base level. View is preferred over Derived tables to perform calculations?

A - True

B - False

Answer : A


In normal scenario, views are preferred to perform the calculation to remain on the database and it does not load the BO server.

Q 2 - In SAP Dashboard, which of the following is not a format type to export under Export toolbar?


B - MS Word

C - Power Point

D - Text File

Answer : D


Export Toolbar

It contains button for exporting your model to different formats.

Different Formats

Q 3 - To use same font for all the components, which of the following font type should be selected under document properties?

A - Global Font

B - Device Font

C - Embedded Font

D - None of these

Answer : A


Different fonts can be set for different components. There is an option to setup the global font if you want to use same font for all the components. This can be used on device fonts or on embedded fonts. When you use machine fonts, exported file is smaller and you can’t rotate text. When embedded fonts are used, you can rotate text and file size is large.

Q 4 - In Dashboard designer, which of the following is a part of component browser?

A - Category

B - List

C - Tree

D - All of the above

Answer : D

Q 5 - In which of the component view, components are arranged in alphabetical order and are not grouped based on the category?

A - Category

B - List

C - View

D - None of these

Answer : B


In list view, components are arranged in alphabetical order and they are not grouped based on the category.

Q 6 - Auto hide feature is used to automatically hide the panels when they are not in use. This function is available for which of the following components?

A - Property

B - Object Browser

C - Component Browser

D - Query Browser

E - All of the above

Answer : E


This auto hide feature is used to automatically hide the panels when they are not in used. This function is available for below components −

  • Property
  • Object Browser
  • Component Browser
  • Query Browser

Q 7 - Which of the following property of a component is used to set the Blank cell, visibility, range limit, etc.?

A - Insertion

B - Behavior

C - Appearance

D - General

Answer : B



It is used to set behavior of component in the model - limits, Blank cell, visibility, etc.

Q 8 - To set the notifications for data values, values are acceptable or require attention for a Dashboard component, which of the following component property has to be set?

A - General

B - Behavior

C - Appearance

D - Alerts

Answer : D


Alerts are used to set notifications for data values, if values are acceptable or require attention. To enable alerts, click the check box.

You can set Alert Thresholds, enable auto color, etc.

Q 9 - You want to specify currency symbol to show before the value, which of the following component property should be used?

A - General

B - Behavior

C - Appearance

D - Alerts

Answer : C


Go to Properties → Appearance → Text

Q 10 - Bar and Column charts are used to compare one or more items over specific period of time. Bar and column charts are same and only difference is orientation?

A - True

B - False

Answer : A

Q 11 - Which of the following component feature allows users to pick different options at run time?

A - Container Component

B - Tab Set

C - Selector Component

D - Single Value component

E - None

Answer : C


Selector component allows users to pick different options at run time. Selector can be used to configure item’s row, value, position and label into embedded spreadsheet.

Q 12 - Which of the following can be used to add user interactivity and output element is used to display value of cells?

A - Container Component

B - Tab Set

C - Selector Component

D - Single Value Component

Answer : D


Single value components are used for adding interactivity to data models. You can use them to add more attention to important parameters.

Single value components can be used in different styles −

  • Horizontal Progress Bar
  • Vertical Progress Bar
  • Dual Slider
  • Dual Slider 2
  • Dial and many more

Q 13 - Which of the following text component type allows you to add comments-explanation, help in a Dashboard?

A - Label

B - Input text

C - Map

D - None

Answer : B


Label component allows you to add comments - explanation, help, etc.

Answer Sheet

Question Number Answer Key
1 A
2 D
3 A
4 D
5 B
6 E
7 B
8 D
9 C
10 A
11 C
12 D
13 B