Rexx - chars

This function returns either 1 or the number of characters left to read in the file itself. The filename is mentioned as a parameter to the function.




  • filename − This is the name of the file for which the end of file needs to be determined.

Return Value

This function returns either 1 or the number of characters left to read in the file itself.


/* Main program */ 
str = '' 
do j = 1 while chars(Example.txt) > 0 
   str = ' ' (charin(Example.txt)) 
   call charout ,str 

The following things need to be noted about the above program −

  • First a string variable is assigned to a null value.

  • Then the ‘do loop’ is used to read each character at a time.

  • Each character is read and then sent to the console.

When we run above program we will get the following result.


E x a m p l e 1 
E x a m p l e 2 
E x a m p l e 3 