Python Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Python. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - What is output for −

' ' in 'python' ?

A - 'python'

B - False

C - Name error

D - True

Answer : D


To strings connected by ‘in' operator gives true and false.

Q 2 - Which is invalid in python for z = 5 ?

A - z = z++

B - z = ++z

C - z += 1

D - z -= 1

Answer : A


z = z++ is not valid in python, it is not a legal expression. It results in syntax error.

Q 3 - How can we generate random numbers in python using methods?

A - random.uniform ()

B - random.randint()

C - random.random()

D - All of the above

Answer : D


To generate random numbers we import random module and in that module we have these methods/functions.

uniform(x,y) returns a floating number in the range [x,y] random() returns a floating point number in the range [0, 1].

randint(x,y) returns a random integer number in the range [x, y].

Q 4 - what is output of following code −

class Count:
   def __init__(self, count=0):
print(id(a)==id(b), end = '' '')

c= ''hello''
d= ''hello''

A - True False

B - False True

C - False False

D - True True

Answer : B


The objects with same contents share the same object in the python library but this is not true for custom-defined immutable classes.

Q 5 - What is the output of the code?

def f():
   global z
   print('z is: ', z)
   print('new value of global z is: ', z)

   print('Value of z is: ', z)

A - z is 100

new value of global z is: 100

value of z is 100

B - z is 100

new value of global z is: 100

value of z is 50

C - z is 100

new value of global z is: 50

value of z is 100

D - z is 100

new value of global z is: 50

value of z is 50

Answer : D


Here in the above code ‘global' keyword is used to state that ‘z' is global variable. So when we assign a value to z in the function then the new assigned value is reflected whenever we use the value of ‘z' in the main block or outside the function.

Q 6 - What happens in the below code?

class A: 
   def __init__(self, i=100): 
class B(A): 
   def __init__(self,j=0): 
def main(): 
   b= B() 

A - Class B inherits all the data fields of class A.

B - Class B needs an Argument.

C - The data field ‘j' cannot be accessed by object b.

D - Class B is inheriting class A but the data field ‘i' in A cannot be inherited.

Answer : D


Reason being that i is initiated with self thus making it a instantiate variable of that class which cannot be inherited by the above way.

Q 7 - Which among them will produce {'a', 'b', 'c'}?

A - Tuple(''abc'')

B - List(''abc'')

C - Set(''abac'')

D - None of the above.

Answer : D


Set does not allow the repetitive values in it and it separated each value present under a string.

Q 8 - Which among them is incorrect for set s={100,101,102,103}

A - Len(s)

B - Sum(s)

C - Print(s[3])

D - Max(s)

Answer : C


There is no indexing in Sets.

Q 9 - Suppose you are using a grid manager then which option is best suitable to place a component in multiple rows and columns?

A - Columnspan and rowspan

B - Only row

C - Only column

D - Only rowspan

Answer : A

Q 10 - Which module is used in python to create Graphics?

A - Turtle

B - Canvas

C - Tkinter

D - Graphics

Answer : A
