Python oct() Function

The Python oct() function is used to convert an integer value into its octal (base-8) representation.

Unlike the familiar base-10 (decimal) system that ranges from 0 to 9, octal uses only the digits "0 to 7". When you see a number prefixed with "0o" in Python, such as '0o17', it means it is in octal notation.


Following is the syntax of python oct() function −



This function accepts an integer value as its parameter.

Return Value

This function returns a string representing the octal value of the given integer.


Following is an example of the Python oct() function. Here, we are converting the integer "219" to its octal representation −

integer_number = 219
octal_number = oct(integer_number)
print('The octal value obtained is:', octal_number)


Following is the output of the above code −

The octal value obtained is: 0o333


Here, we are retrieving the octal representation of a negative integer "-99" using the oct() function −

negative_integer_number = -99
octal_number = oct(negative_integer_number)
print('The octal value obtained is:', octal_number)


The output obtained is as follows −

The octal value obtained is: -0o143


Now, we are using the oct() function to convert a binary and a hexadecimal value to their corresponding octal representation −

binary_number = 0b1010
hexadecimal_number = 0xA21
binary_to_octal = oct(binary_number)
hexadecimal_to_octal = oct(hexadecimal_number)
print('The octal value of binary number is:', binary_to_octal)
print('The octal value of hexadecimal number is:', hexadecimal_to_octal)


The result produced is as follows −

The octal value of binary number is: 0o12
The octal value of hexadecimal number is: 0o5041


In the example below, we are removing the "0o" prefix from the output when converting integer value "789" to its octal representation using the oct() function −

integer_number = 789
octal_noprefix = oct(integer_number)[2:]
print('The octal value of the integer without prefix is:', octal_noprefix)


The output of the above code is as follows −

The octal value of the integer is: 1425


If we pass a non-integer value to the oct() function, it will raise a TypeError.

Here we will demonstrate the TypeError by passing a floating point value "21.08" to the oct() function −

# Example to demonstrate TypeError
floating_number = 21.08
octal_number = oct(floating_number)
print('The octal value of the floating number is:', octal_number)


We can see in the output that we get a TypeError because we have passed a floating point value to the oct() function −

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\", line 3, in <module>
    octal_number = oct(floating_number)
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer