IndexedDB - Deleting Data

There are many situations where we need to delete data from the database; be it for storage purposes or just removing unwanted data to free up space. If we want to delete this unnecessary data from a database we can use the .delete() function


const request = objectStore.delete(data);

We use the delete() function to delete the fields of the database which are not required.


Let us look at an example script to delete data −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      const request ="botdatabase",1);
      request.onupgradeneeded = function(){
         const db = request.result;
         const store = db.createObjectStore("bots",{ keyPath: "id"});
      request.onsuccess = function(){
         document.write("database opened successfully");
         const db = request.result;
         const transaction=db.transaction("bots","readwrite");
         const store = transaction.objectStore("bots");
         store.add({id: 1, name: "jason",branch: "IT"});
         store.add({id: 2, name: "praneeth",branch: "CSE"});
         store.add({id: 3, name: "palli",branch: "EEE"});
         store.add({id: 4, name: "abdul",branch: "IT"});
         store.put({id: 4, name: "deevana",branch: "CSE
         const deletename = store.delete(1);
         deletename.onsuccess = function(){
            document.write("id : 1 has been deleted");
         transaction.oncomplete = function(){


database opened successfully
id : 1 has been deleted

The database after deletion of id:1 =

0  2
{id: 2, name: 'praneeth', branch: 'CSE'}
1  3
{id: 3, name: 'palli', branch: 'EEE'}
2  4
{id: 4, name: 'deevana', branch: 'CSE'}