Current Affairs Nov 2017 - Places in NEWS

1 - Delhi to host the ninth global green film festival

Global green

The ninth edition of CMS Vatavaran - an international film festival on environment and wildlife, was held in New Delhi at Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. Around 113 films were showcased in the festival. Four films from Kashmir were also nominated.

The theme of the event was "Conservation 4 Water". The event is supported and partnered by Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, National Geographic, UNESCO, UNDP and WWF.

2 - Three-Day International Conference - ‘FIPSPHYSIOCON 2017’ held in Delhi


"FIPSPHYSIOCON 2017”, Conference on Human Physiology - VII Congress of Federation of Indian Physiological Societies (FIPS) along with XXIX Annual Conference of the Physiological Society of India (PSI) organized by Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Science (DIPAS) of DRDO was held at Delhi.

The objective of the conference was to update the scientific community about most recent advances in human Physiology in extreme environments, Neuroscience, Yoga, Sport Physiology and translational research.

3 - Surat honored with Best City Bus Services Award of Government of India

Surat City Bus

Surat Municipal Corporation has been chosen for the ‘Best City Bus Services Award’ by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for succeeding in attracting 87% of the private vehicle and auto rickshaw users to use city buses. Mysuru’s Public Bicycle Sharing has won the ‘Best Non-Motorized Transport’ Award while Kochi (Kerala) has been chosen for the ‘Best Urban Transport Initiative’ Award for completing its Metro Rail Project in a quick time.

Surat city with a population of about 45 lakhs was heavily dependent on private vehicles until 2014, which now shifted to city buses.

4 - Balijatra festival celebrations began in Cuttack


The annual ‘Balijatra’ festival celebrations started in Cuttack. Various cultural events were organized. Festival beginning was inaugurated by Odisha Health and Law minister Pratap Jena along with Culture minister Ashok Panda and Sports minister Chandra Sarathi Behera.

‘Balijatra’ festival is conducted every year in such a way that twin fair grounds display more than 300 stalls. Stalls display wearing apparels, decorative stuffs, household items etc. Around one lakh people witnessed fair on its first day. Festival was held, after permission obtained from east zone bench of National Green Tribunal.

5 - Goa scheduled to host 2018 Nobel Prize


A trilateral MoU was signed between the Department of Bio-Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India (GoI) and Nobel Media, Sweden regarding ‘Nobel Prize Series - India 2018 (Science Impacts Life). According to MoU, Nobel Prize Series - India 2018 (Science Impacts Life)’ will be held from February 1-28, 2018 in Goa.

Nobel Prize Series - India 2018 will display the world about how the possibilities have changed the world by using science as a tool. Various events and exhibitions will be conducted where Nobel laureates will interact with schoolchildren and teachers.

6 - Chennai became part of UNESCO's Creative Cities Network list


UNESCO Creative Cities Network included India’s Chennai in its list for its rich music heritage. With this, UNESCO Creative Cities Network include 180 cities from 72 countries. UNESCO Creative Cities Network includes cities that fall under the seven creative fields category, which are Gastronomy, music, crafts and folk art, media arts, design, film and literature.

Jaipur and Varanasi are the other Indian cities that form part of this list. Some famous cities from other countries inducted in the list are Auckland (New Zealand), Cairo (Egypt), Cape Town (South Africa), Istanbul (Turkey) and Yamagata City (Japan).

7 - India hosted first Nordic-Baltic Youth Film Festival

Nordic-Baltic Youth Film Festival

First ever youth film festival of the European nations was organized in Delhi. The youth film festival displayed movies from the region from November 13-18. The Nordic-Baltic countries comprise of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden, or NB8. They are united together geographically and historically through common trade and culture.

This festival was organized in collaboration with India Habitat Centre. Various movies were screened such as Denmark’s - Land of Mine (Oscar nominated), Iceland’s - Face to Face, Norway’s - ‘The Wave’, etc.

8 - PM Modi inaugurate Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Hyderabad

Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President's adviser Ivanka Trump inaugurated Global entrepreneurship summit in Hyderabad. Around 1500 women entrepreneurs attended the 3-day mega event. US President’s Advisor, Ivanka Trump led the U.S. contingent.

This was the eighth edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Summit. The theme of the summit was "Women First, Prosperity for All”. More than 10 countries were represented by an all-female delegation. GES was held for the first time in South Asia.

9 - First edition of INSPIRE 2017 kicked off in Jaipur


The first edition of the International Symposium to Promote Innovation & Research in Energy Efficiency (INSPIRE 2017) was kicked off in Jaipur. The five-day symposium is being organized by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) in partnership with The World Bank, and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).

INSPIRE 2017 is an International Conference that brings together various stakeholders such as policy makers, innovators, financiers, influencers to display best practices in the sector. It provides a platform for energy efficiency community to discuss energy efficiency policies, market transformation strategies, emerging technologies, delivery and business-model driven transformations.
