Computer - History and Evolution

The history of computers is a fascinating journey that spans centuries of innovation and technological advancement. Below mentioned table summarizes the historical development of a computer −

Time Devices invented Description
3000 BCE Abacus This is the earliest computing device. This was used to do basic arithmetic calculations. In this computer, beads were moved along rods to represent numbers.
17th century Mechanical Calculators (Pascaline and Stepped Reckoner) Mechanical methods were introduced to perform arithmetic calculations. Mechanical calculators are devices that perform mathematical calculations using mechanical mechanisms rather than electronic components. These calculators were widely used before the advent of electronic calculators and computers. The popular devices of this century were Pascaline and Stepped Reckoner.
18th century Mechanical computer (Step Reckoner, Turk's Head, Difference Engine, Analytical Engine). Mechanical devices and ideas that were important precursors to the development of computers and automation were introduced. It uses mechanical components, such as gears, levers, and switches, to perform calculations and process information. The popular mechanical devices developed during 18th century were Step Reckoner, Turk's Head, Difference Engine, Analytical Engine.
19th century
Electromechanical Computers Devices like the Z3, Mark I Computers developed during 19th century were crucial in shaping the concepts and ideas that eventually led to the creation of the computers we use today. Most of the devices were based on the combination of mechanical and electrical switches to perform computation. The 19th century was the time where invention of computing devices was more and more. The size of computer was reduced and the devices with large storage and high computations were introduced. Interconnectivity with multiple devices and data sharing, remote accessing were recorded as the features of the computers which makes it popular in the world and make the computer as most demandable computing device in the world.
ENIAC (1945)
Stored-Program Computers (1940s-1950s)
Transistors and Integrated Circuits (1950s-1960s)
Minicomputers (1960s-1970s)
Microprocessors and Personal Computers (1970s-1980s)
Graphical User Interfaces (1980s-1990s)
Internet and World Wide Web (1990s)
20th century Laptops, Smartphones, and Tablets (2000s-Present) 20th century is the time where computer technology is the next level. Portable and light weighted high computing devices are introduced and in trend. Cloud Computing technology makes the internet as a more useful platform to keep the data centralise in terms of accessing and its computation on server. Hence, cloud computing involves delivering various services over the internet, such as computing power, storage, and applications. The 20th century saw significant developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) also. AI technologies began to be integrated into various applications, such as speech recognition, image processing, natural language processing, and robotics. These developments set the stage for the further evolution of AI in the 21st century, where the focus shifted toward more data-driven approaches.
Cloud Computing and AI(Most demandable in cutting edge technology)

The history of computers is marked by a continuous cycle of innovation, with each generation building upon the achievements of the previous one. This overview provides just a glimpse into the rich and complex evolution of computing technology.

Generations of Computers

The history of computers let us know the advancements of computing devices as per the time; as years goes the new version of computers were developed. To understand this lets study the generation of computers.
