Verbal Ability Pronouns Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Pronouns. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 -I didn't purchase ... at the fair.

A - nothing

B - something

C - everybody

D - anything

Answer : D


"Anything" is used to pick any instance.

Q 2 - I have tried looking for the keys ...

A - everywhere

B - somewhere

C - anywhere

D - nowhere

Answer : A


"Everywhere" is used to mention all the spaces and places.

Q 3 - I met a student of ... today.

A - your

B - yours

C - yourself

D - you

Answer : B


"Mine, yours, theirs" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 4 - You mustn't blame ... for all the wrong things happening around you.

A - Yourself

B - Myself

C - Me

D - You

Answer : A


"Myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves" and such usages are used to talk of a person's own ability or intention.

Q 5 - It’s not surprising that you don’t get jokes as …are from Germany.

A - He

B - It

C - She

D - You

Answer : D


"I, he, we, she, they" and similar usages are for people who do the action. "He, she, it" use "is/was", "I" uses "am/was", "We, you" use "are/were"

Q 6 - ... are from Darjeeling.

A - Them

B - It

C - We

D - You

Answer : D


"I, he, we, she, they" and similar usages are for people who do the action. "We, you, they" use "are/were".

Q 7 - That guitar belongs to that woman. That guitar is …

A - His

B - It

C - Hers

D - She

Answer : C


"Mine, hers, ours, yours, theirs" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 8 - This ball belongs to those boys. This ball is …

A - His

B - Its

C - We

D - Yours

Answer : A


"Mine, ours, his" and other such usages are for denoting ownership as pronouns.

Q 9 - The parents should decide what to do with … wards.

A - Their

B - Them

C - Ours

D - Their’s

Answer : A


“Their” is used to denote ownership of a group of people in third person.

Q 10 - You guys have to get this task done …

A - Yourself

B - Yourselves

C - Ownselves

D - Ownself

Answer : A


“Yourselves” is used when plural listeners are supposed to do something with their own capability.
