Modals and Usages Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Modals and Usages. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - The passengers ... drive their cars as per speed-limits.

A - Could

B - Must

C - Can

D - May

Answer : B


"Must" is used in situations where the action is a requirement, or where the action can be predicted with much accuracy.

Q 2 - My brother ... dance very well.

A - Can

B - May

C - Must

D - Should

Answer : A


"Can" is used to speak about ability of the doer in the present or future. Similarly, "Cannot" is used to speak about the inability of someone in doing an action in present or future.

Q 3 - You ... told him to come home earlier.

A - Might have

B - Must have

C - Would have

D - Will have

Answer : D


"Could" is used to speak on the ability of the doer in the past time. Similarly, "Could not" is used to speak about the inability of someone in doing an action in present or future.

Q 4 - I ... give her a call on her birthday.

A - Have to

B - Must

C - Could

D - Would

Answer : B


"Have to" is used in situations where the action is a compulsory thing to do.

Q 5 - You ... tell us all what made you do this.

A - Have to

B - Must

C - Ought to

D - Should

Answer : A


"Have to" is used in situations where the action is a compulsory thing to do.

Q 6 - ... leave now, as I have to study late for my examinations.

A - Have to

B - Must

C - Must not

D - Need not

Answer : A


"Have to" is used in situations where the action is a compulsory thing to do.

Q 7 - As a child, I was not ... to leave the table until we had finished our food.

A - Able to

B - Allowed to

C - Wouldn’t

D - Will not

Answer : B


“Allowed to” is used when you are given the permission to indulge in an action.

Q 8 - You ... be serious! How did that happen?

A - Are not allowed to

B - Cannot

C - Must not

D - Should not

Answer : B


"Cannot" is used to speak about the inability of someone in doing an action in present or future, and also about predicting an action with some accuracy.

Q 9 - You ... helped him with his homework. He should learn to do it himself.

A - Must have

B - Need have

C - Needn’t

D - Needn’t have

Answer : C


"Need not or needn't" is used in situations where doing the action is not necessary.

Q 10 - Mary is playing video games when she …

A - Could study

B - Should be studying

C - Will study

D - Must be studying

Answer : B


"Ought to, should" are used to suggest actions, provide opinions and give advice.
