Sqoop Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Sqoop. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - By default the records from databases imported to HDFS by sqoop are

A - Tab separated

B - Concatenated columns

C - space separated

D - comma separated

Answer : D


The default record separator is comm.

Q 2 - The data type mapping between the database column and sqoop column can be overridden by using the parameter

A - --override-column-type

B - --map-column-type

C - --override-column-java

D - --map-column-java

Answer : D


As sqoop uses the Java Data types internally, the mapping of the data types has to be done with Java Data Types.

Q 3 - What is the disadvantage of storing password in the metastore as compared to storing in a password file?

A - it is easily accessible

B - it may get deleted accidentally

C - It cannot be updated

D - it is unencrypted

Answer : D


The password file can be encrypted and prevented from reading by proper permissions. But metastore is unencrypted and cannot be prevented from reading.

Answer : C


Every time a sqoop command is submitted, it verifies the metadata of the table before starting the export.

Answer : C


In the scenario when the database requires table_level write lock, higher value of sqoop.export.statements.per.transaction will lock the table for a longer time and will decrease the performance.

Q 7 - The parameter which can be used in place of --table parameter to insert data into table is

A - –call

B - –insert-into

C - –populate

D - –load-into

Answer : A


The –call parameter will call a database stored procedure which in turn can insert data into table.

Q 8 - The parameter used in sqoop to import data directly into hive is

A - -import-direct

B - -import-hive

C - –hive-import

D - -hive-sqoop

Answer : C


The parameter used is –hive-import which will directly place the data in hie without needing any connectors as in case of relational systems.

Q 9 - The parameter that can create a hbase table using sqoop when importing data to hbase is

A - -hbase-create-table

B - -create-hbase-table

C - -create-hbase-table-columnlist

D - -create-hbase-table-rowkey

Answer : B


If the–create-hbase-table is mentioned during the import then the Hbase table can get created using sqoop if it does not already exist.

Q 10 - The comparison of row counts between the source system and the target database while loading the data using sqoop is done using the parameter

A - --Validate

B - --Rowcount

C - -row(count)

D - -allrows

Answer : A


The –validate parameter is used to show the result of row comparison between source and target.
