Solidity - Bitwise Operators


Try the following code to implement Bitwise operator in Solidity.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract SolidityTest {
   uint storedData; 
   constructor() public{
      storedData = 10;   
   function getResult() public view returns(string memory){
      uint a = 2; // local variable
      uint b = 2;
      uint result = a & b;  // bitwise operation
      return integerToString(result); 
   function integerToString(uint _i) internal pure 
      returns (string memory) {
      if (_i == 0) {
         return "0";
      uint j = _i;
      uint len;
      while (j != 0) {
         j /= 10;
      bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len);
      uint k = len - 1;
      while (_i != 0) {
         bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10));
         _i /= 10;
      return string(bstr);//access local variable

Run the above program using steps provided in Solidity First Application chapter.


0: string: 2